"He's my older brother!" Tenya confirmed proudly.

"He's telling us straight out!" Ochaco yelped.

"That's amazing!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Awesome...!" Miyuki said, hands clasped in front of her and stars in her eyes.

"He's a likable pro hero who honours the rules and leads people," Tenya continued. "I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother. However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others. Unlike me, Midoriya realized the practical portion of the practical entrance exam, so he is more suitable for the job."

Miyuki chuckled quietly, noting something peculiar about the blue-haired boy.

"This is the first time I've seen Iida-Kun smile," she said. Izuku looked somewhat contemplative beside her. "It's nice!"

"What?" Tenya's face tinted a light pink. "I do smile!"

"About the entrance exam..." Izuku started, but was immediately cut off by the sound of an alarm blaring through the Eatery, causing all of them to look up. "An alarm?!"

"There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors immediately!"

"What's 'Level 3' security?" Tenya asked a senior he'd been sitting next to, looking over to him. Miyuki looked at him as well, concerned.

"It means someone is trespassing on school grounds!" The senior replied, sounding quite panicked. "I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here! You should hurry, too!"

Miyuki then noticed the commotion that was going on all around them.

This doesn't look good...

And she was right.

Students were running for the four exits at the end of the corridor and it wasn't long before the space was overwhelmed by the mass of students flooding it, too. Miyuki looked at it rather uncomfortably. After getting through the media circus that morning, this definitely wasn't something she was eager to endure again.

"Come on, Shizuka-Kun!" Tenya said, he and Ochaco both taking her arms. "We should do as we've being instructed."

"Wait, you guys, I don't think we should go -"

It was too late. She was pulled into the mass of rushing students. The four of them managed to make it through before they got stuck in the dense crowd. Miyuki sighed internally, her gut churning with discomfort.

"... this... way..."

"Don't push!"

"Wait, I'm falling!"

"I said, don't push! Ow!"

People smacked into each other all around her as everyone tried to get safely through all around her. Miyuki pursed her lips, trying her best to not lose sight of her friends as she felt the students push and hit into her relentlessly.

"What's going on all of a sudden?" Ochaco asked.

"As expected of the best of the best!" Tenya exclaimed. "Everyone reacts quickly in a crisis!"

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