Mistakes of up and down

Start from the beginning

He smiled and shook hands leading up to his friends and family where Liam also stood holding a bouquet of daisies. Every show before Liam never had one so maybe Niall instructed him to bring them. He thought

He greeted his family and then his friends. Lastly was Liam. He approached him being handed the bouquet. He grabbed ahold of them looking up to Liam, the look on his face softer than usual. Typically he held a straight almost emotionless stare. The flash of a couple cameras caused them to blink out of their locked gaze. "Thanks for these." Zayn grinned.

Liam flashed a smile. "Of course. Sorry I uh had my assistant go fetch them last minute. The show was amazing." He scratched at his temple out of nerves.

"Well thank you..." he said as the two stood in front of one another looking deep into the others eyes.

"Hey can I speak to you for a second."

"I need to tell you something."

They both spoke in unison. "Oh... uh sorry." Zayn looked away. "No go ahead." Liam reassured.

"We'll let you guys talk." Harry looked between them ushering the group away. He hoped everything he said to Liam made him realize something. He couldn't stand Zayn not being true to his self and even though he himself didn't care for Liam he could tell Zayn did and always has.

"So what did you want to talk about?"Zayn asked as they started walking around the venue.

"Listen I know these past few months have been crazy. I can't even wrap my head around it, but I've realized something." Liam walked his hands in his pocket.

Zayn sighed. "Yeah it has... and what is that?" He asked examining the flowers then Liam stopped.

"I'm going to be honest with you Zayn and if you feel otherwise please be honest with me." He lightly touched Zayns arm but retracted. "Sorry."

"It's okay... and yeah I'll be honest."
He reached for Liam's arm with his free hand.

He looked at Zayns hand placement with comfort washing over him. "I thought avoiding all of this contract business would just make it easier but it hasn't... at first I as angry at my father which I took out on you so I'm sorry for that, and for all the times before... I was a jerk." He said looking at his feet.

"You don't have to apologize Liam." Zayn sympathetically reassured the man.

"But I do. You could've easily said no to all of this. I had more at stake so why'd you do it?" Liam looked up meeting Zayns eyes.

"I just- I guess I cared." Zayn sighed. "and I always have. Yeah you were kinda mean growing up, but you were my first crush. Everyone was after you then you had Danielle, left for uni, and I was this scared little freshman... kinda just felt easier to not hold out for something that wasn't going to happen you know." He truthfully said.

"Well here we are now." Liam laughed out.

Zayn couldn't help but let out a breath of laughter too. "Under certain circumstances." He raised his brow.

"Yeah yeah true. Very unlikely circumstances that is, but I realized that one person other than my mother and sisters has been in my corner this whole time and it's you. Any nice moment I've had the past few months have been with you regardless of how temperamental I am." He said as Zayn let out a giggle.

"Back when we were kids I had a soft spot for you. I know it didn't show but I did. I guess I was just insecure with myself about my sexuality and you were always so carefree. I was jealous." He said.

"I uh got you daisies because the lady at the shop said to my assistant they represent new beginnings and if you're willing I'd like to take you on a real date. Not one scheduled by Niall. I also did mean what I said about your eyelashes." He cheekily grinned.

Zayn took in everything Liam said with a rapidly beating heart and smile. Some tears formed in his eyes too because he was tired of acting like he didn't feel something for Liam. He did it out of fear that he didn't like him back, yet here Liam was spilling his heart out.

"I'd really like that Liam." He said smiling through his watery eyes. "I also meant what I said on the radio about feeling safe with you... and I didn't mean what I said when you asked if that night meant anything. It did." He blinked as a stray tear began gliding down his cheek. "Sorry" he sniffed.

"Don't be. It's cute." Liam kissed the spot next to the tear and wiped it off with his thumb. Even though they were away from the main space some cameras flashed.

Zayn beamed. Liams light peck sent chills over his body. He also felt like he could breath with all of their truths being out in the open now. "What changed if you don't mind me asking."

"Your best friend." He lifted his shoulders. "He uh kinda went in on me." He let out a brief laugh.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry for him." Zayn groaned remembering to later officially smack him upside the head.

"It's okay. He just really put things into perspective so yeah... Well come on then Malik. People are going to hate me for keeping you from this event." He smiled and held his arm out for Zayn to link with.

Zayn looped his arm with Liam's and gave him a genuine smile. No nerves, tensity, or anxiousness behind it. He felt at ease for the first time in forever.

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