Chapter 32

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The first thing I notice when I open my eyes is a white ceiling. The walls are white too and the smell of antiseptic is strong.

Why am I in a hospital?

That’s when I remember what happened at the lake. I sit up quickly and I am suddenly dizzy.

“You are finally awake. How are you feeling?” Ms. Jung asks as she enters the room.

“What day is it?” I ask.

“It is Saturday.”

“I have been asleep for a week?!”

“No, it’s the same Saturday. You have only been asleep for a couple of hours.”


“Do you remember how you got here?”

“Like at the hospital? No.”

“Do you remember anything from today?”

“We walked to the campsite, we watched some boat races and then it was our turn.” I say.

“Do you remember what happened after that?”

“I was on one team with Ken and Keziah, we weren’t the fastest but we were somewhere in the middle of the pack. After we passed the midway point I lost one of my oars, it felt like it was ripped from my hand. Shortly after our boat flipped over and fell in the water. I followed Ken and Keziah to our boat but I was suddenly pulled under.”

“Did your feet get caught on something in the water?”

“That’s what I first thought too but when I was fully submerged I realized what pulled me under was two people in diving gear. I started panicking and tried to get away but they held on tight and dragged me lower and lower. I passed out at that point and woke up here.”

“So you are saying this was on purpose, that someone tried to drown you?” Ms. Jung asked horrified.

“I don’t know if drowning was their goal but it was definitely planned. No one just wears diving gear without a plan.”

“What do you mean they didn’t plan to drown you? They held you under water for who knows how long.”

“Maybe they just wanted to scare me? I don’t know if you have noticed but a lot of people don’t like me.”

“This is not normal. If you don’t like someone you just don’t interact with them. Why go out of your way to do all this? Do you have any idea who could have done this?”

“I have my suspicions but it could be anyone. And I learned my lesson with Jenna; don’t make an accusation without proof.”

“Okay, you don’t have to point fingers but you can report it and the authorities can investigate and find the proof if there is any.” Ms. Jung suggests.

At first I am skeptical because what can the cops do with a watery crime scene, no witnesses and no suspect? I end up speaking to a detective because it is always good to have a record.

The doctor gives me the all-clear and Ms. Jung drives us back to school. It’s close to midnight by the time we arrive so she walks me to the dorms.

There is only one person in the common area fiddling with the coffee machine, Sofia.

“It was you wasn’t it?” I can’t help but ask.

She and her best friend are top of my suspect list.

“What are you talking about?” she scoffs.

“I am talking about what happened at the lake.”

“Oh please, I was too busy winning to see you fall into the water but I heard it was a sight to see. Such a shame I didn’t get to witness it.”

“So you are saying you had nothing to do with it?”

“I know I am powerful but even I am not powerful enough to control the currents.” She says taking a sip from her cup.

“You may not control the currents but you do control the people you sent to drown me.”

“Someone tried to drown you? What makes you think that was me?”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that you have made it you mission to harass me. Instigating the others to bully me just because you can’t accept that Ethan moved on. It’s so easy for you to get others to do your bidding it is not too much of a stretch to think you could get others to pull off  what happened in the lake today.” I state.

She glares at me and then smiles.

“I have nothing to do with any of that but whoever did that has all my respect. Maybe if you didn’t steal other people’s boyfriends, shit like that wouldn’t happen to you.” She grins.

“How many times must I tell you; I am not your boyfriend and I don’t belong to you. Get it through your head we are over.”

We both turn around and come face to face with a fuming Ethan.

“How dare you speak to me like that? After everything we’ve been through.”

“It’s because of our past that I have tried to be nice and civil to you. I have told you in a hundred different ways that we are over but you just won’t accept it.”

“But you never know what could happen in the future.”

“I may not be able to predict the future but I know one thing; there is no future for us. Dating you is the worst mistake I ever made and that’s a mistake I will not be repeating. Stop clinging on to me and stop harassing everyone because you think you own me.” Ethan states.

“You will look back at this moment and regret everything you just said. There is no going back from here. No matter how much you beg, I will not take you back.” Sofia says eyes brimming with tears.

“That’s all I have ever wanted to hear from you for the past few months.” Ethan shrugs.

“And one more thing if you ever bother my girlfriend again I will destroy you. Unlike you it will all be legal.” Ethan adds.

“You can’t be serious?” Sofia says tears drying up before they got to fall.

“I am very serious and you know with my father’s backing I can make that happen easily.” He says.

Sofia storms off.

Ethan turns to me.

“I am so sorry for everything you went through because of me. I should have known they would try to get to you when I wasn’t looking.” He says.

“It’s not your fault.”

“It kind of is. By asking you out, I made you a target.”

“I was already a target.”

“Well I made it worse.” He insists.

“Let me make it up to you. Go on a date with me tomorrow?”

“Not sure how that makes it up to me but…sure.”



Did you predict the truth behind the lake incident?

Who is top of your list of suspects?

Thank you for reading!
- Oli 💌

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