Chapter 36

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“So have you thought about it?” Tiago asks.

“What about?”

“The trip.”

“I um…I don’t think I can make it.” I say.

“Why not?”

“There is a lot to do. You know schoolwork, investigating the missing cases…”

“It’s the school break, there will be no schoolwork. If you want to read ahead or something you can always bring along a book or two. And as for the investigation, we don’t need to be on campus to do that.” he states.

“What’s the real reason you don’t want to go? Is it Patrick?” Tiago asks.

I sigh. “It’s not because of Patrick. I just can’t afford it.”

“The trip is my idea so I will handle the expenses.”

“I know, that’s the problem.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I am the only one who doesn’t have the kind of money you guys have so I can’t even pretend to pitch in. I will always be taking, giving nothing in return. Going on this trip feels like I am taking advantage of you.” I state.

“Listen Jules, you are not taking advantage of me in any way. I don’t keep a tally with my friends. The only people that have ever tried to take advantage are people with more money than me. Looking back we weren’t even really friends.” Tiago says.

“Are you going to ruin my dream of having a great break with all my true friends?” Tiago says with a pout.

“Sure, as long as you promise never to pout again.” I say.


A few days later we set off on our trip. We pull up to the same airfield where only a few months ago Ms. Jung and I first arrived and I realize this will be only the my second time on a plane.

Our group consists of me, Ethan, Amandla, Ken, Mara, Keziah and of course our host Tiago. We board the plane and I realize this is yet another private plane. The way the staff speaks to him makes me think he flies with them a lot or maybe his family does.

Patrick cuts it close, arriving right before take-off. A lukewarm greeting is all we get and he spends most of the 12 hour flight either talking to Tiago, the staff or sleeping.

Our destination is all white beach sands, blue waters and clear skies. Our accommodations are just as beautiful, a lodge right on the waterfront.

We spend the first day and a half just resting and enjoying the indoor amenities. It is only on the third day that we start wandering out to explore.

Unlike the flight over, Patrick doesn’t spend every minute with Tiago. I think it is because Tiago and Ken are basically attached at the hip. I mention it to Amandla and Mara.

“They have gotten closer in the past few months.” Amandla says.

“Because of theatre?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She replies.

“Might be more than that.” Mara comments.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“According to the rumor mill they might be going out. People hardcore ship them.”

“What about his harem?” Amandla asks.

“Probably dissolved.”

“What did Ken say?” I ask.

“What did I say about what?” Ken says joining us.

“Um…”his sudden appearance has me tongue-tied.

Mara doesn’t have the same problem. “We were just wondering if you finally succeeded into turning your crush into your boyfriend.”

“Which one? I have a lot of them, you are going to have to be more specific.” Ken says.

Mara rolls her eyes. “Tiago obviously.”

“I don’t kiss and tell.” Ken says.

“So what you are saying is, there has been kissing?” Amandla asks, surprising us.

Ken only laughs, digging into his breakfast.



Thanks for reading!

QOTD: Favorite vacation spot?

- Oli 💌

Fontaine AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora