Chapter 43

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I sent Tiago a text asking if he will be going to the hunt. He hasn't responded yet.

I sent it last night so he must have seen it by now. I also haven’t seen him all day.

Today is one of those rare days were we don’t have any classes together. But even on these rare days I usually still see him during meals. I feel like he is avoiding me and I don’t know why.

Maybe he is embarrassed because of the guys’ ribbing at lunch yesterday?

I go by the theatre around the time they usually finish. He is not there.

My texts and calls go unanswered so I decide to check his room.Before I can think better of it I enter the passcode and let myself in.

“What are you doing here?” he asks sitting up from the sofa.

“You weren’t at rehearsal.”

“We finished early.”

“You didn’t respond to my text or answer any of my calls. You also never showed up for breakfast or lunch.” I say.

“Wasn’t hungry.”

“Why does it feel like you are avoiding me?”

“Maybe because I am!” he explodes.

“But why?”

“Why? Maybe because I didn’t feel like being around someone who wouldn’t even defend me!” he yells.

“Are you talking about lunch? We both know Damon was only lashing out because you brought up his brother.” I say.

“It’s not like I was making things  up, we all so the video. You yourself wondered what they could have done to Maisie.” Tiago counters.

“I am not saying he is innocent, I am just explaining why he lashed out. It’s probably a sore topic for the families involved.”

“How is it so easy for you to sympathize with them but not me. At least I didn’t lie while none of what they sad about me is true.”

“The boyfriend part is kind of true.” I joke.

Tiago glares.

“Sorry bad timing. I was not taking their side but I couldn’t take your side either because we said we wouldn’t tell people yet and if I defend you they would be suspicious.” I say.

“There is nothing suspicious about defending your best friend Patrick. Be honest with yourself, you weren’t in my corner yesterday because their opinions still matter to you. Even before whatever this is happened, I would have defended you without a second thought but you always have to think about what your dad and those guys would think first.”

He walks to the door and opens it.

“I guess I expected too much again.”

I can’t stand the look on his face so I leave.



Who's in the right, Patrick or Tiago ?

See you on Friday!
- Oli 💌

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