Chapter 42

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I haven’t been able to get the video out of my head since I saw it yesterday. My mind runs wild thinking about what might have become of that poor man and Maisie.

It is only as I work towards the dining hall and see Jenna up ahead that I realize what has been nagging me since I saw the video. The video thumbnail is almost identical to the video Maisie shared with Jenna the night she went missing.

Before I can talk myself out of it I run up to Jenna.

“How long have you known about the video?” I ask.

“As usual, I have no clue what you are talking about.” Jenna says sounding bored.

“The leaked video from Maisie’s phone and the video she sent you the night she went missing, they are one and same aren’t they?”

“Keep your voice down! I have no videos from Maisie from that day. I have already warned you not to make reckless allegations without proof, I will remind you again. And just in case you think about taking your chances remember this won’t end with a school disciplinary hearing. You won’t only be going up just against me and my family but some of the most powerful families in the country as well. And they don’t pull their punches.” She says and makes her exit.

I spend the rest of the day trying to come up with a plan to prove that Jenna knew about the existence of that video for months and said nothing. I come up with nothing that wouldn’t get me expelled, sued or both.

Why didn’t she say anything though? To protect her best friend’s cousin maybe?

One change from break that I am not liking is that the staff rearranged the dining hall so we sit closer to Patrick’s table. There is only a table between our tables. If it was only Tiago and Patrick at that table I wouldn’t mind but it’s the rest of them I can’t stand.

Ken is the last to arrive for lunch and barely sits down before giving us the newest update on the case.

“Recent news is that someone came forward and said they had been trafficked.” He says.

“That’s terrible but how does that tie into everything?” Keziah asks.

“They said the three guys in the video were part of the people that first nabbed them.” Ken responds.

“Oh my god is it a trafficking ring? Is that what happened to Maisie too?” Mara asks sounding as horrified as I feel.

“Maybe Maisie is the one that came forward?” Amandla says hopefully.Ken shakes his head.

“Their identity is a closely guarded secret because of fear of retaliation from the ring. At least until the police gets them all. But it was confirmed through her family that it isn’t Maisie.”

The contemplative silence at our table allows me to hear the conversations going on around us, specifically at the so-called elites table.

“How are you and your family holding up with all the weird accusations?” Melody asks.

“We are not that easily rattled. The lawyers are handling it and soon everyone spreading this groundless nonsense will pay too.” Damon exclaims drawing everyone’s attention.

Groundless? A whole video exists!

“Are they really groundless though? I mean there is even a video, maybe this time where there is smoke there is fire too.” Tiago says.

Damon laughs an ugly laugh and I know what ever he is about to say will not be good.

“Where there is smoke there is fire, you say? Does that mean the rumors about you are true too?” Damon chuckles.

“What rumors?” Tiago asks.

“Like the one about how the real reason you suddenly quit rowing and joined theatre instead is because you have a boyfriend there.” Damon sneers.

“That one is not true. I joined theatre because I have always wanted to try it out not for anyone else.” Tiago says calmly.

“I don’t believe you. I think there is definitely fire underneath all that smoke.” Charlie sniggers setting off the other people at their table.

Jamie quiets them down.

“No I believe Tiago, he definitely wanted to try out acting.” He takes a dramatic pause. “But we all know he is a bit of an overachiever so he decided to try out having a boyfriend too.”

The whole table erupts into laughter.

I keep waiting for Patrick to intervene at any moment but lunch ends and he never says anything.



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- Oli 💌

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