Chapter 13

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I am just finishing up some school work at my desk when Amandla enters our room.

“I heard you fainted in Chem, what happened?” she asks.

“I had an allergic reaction.”

“I didn’t know you had allergies. What caused it?”

“I have a caffeine allergy. My guess is it was triggered by the coffee Jenna gave me.”

“Didn’t you know you were allergic? Why accept the coffee?”

“The allergy has always been mild so I can still have decaf, chocolate and some types of teas. The coffee Jenna offered me was decaf or at least that’s what she said.” I say.

After discussing back and forth about whether she did it on purpose or not, Amandla decides to go to the café. I offer to go with her but she tells me to rest.

Since the café is on campus, it doesn’t take her long. Less than 15 minutes later she is back. Her face seems stormy.

“What did you find out?”

“I spoke to Cleo who has been there all day. She said Jenna and her friends never order decaf. In fact today Jenna ordered a double shot espresso with her usual Strawberry Frappucinno.”

“That means she planned it right?”

“Seems like it.”

“But why?”

The following morning I decide to ask Jenna that question. Just as I am wondering where to find her, I see her walking towards the dining hall. For once she is alone so I decide to intercept her.

“Why did you lie to me yesterday?”

“Well hello to you too, Jules.”

“I am not in the mood for pleasantries, Jenna. Just answer my question.”

“I’m afraid I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Really you going to play dumb? You gave me a double espresso while telling me its decaf.”

“It’s just coffee, what’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is, I am allergic to caffeine! And you knew it.” I say.

“How did you know that anyway?”

For some reason that sets her off. She starts laughing. When she final stops she wipes away some tears and says, “I am Jenna Bradford, do you really think it’s that hard for me to get access to your files?”

“So you were just bored one day and decided to go snooping around my records and you just happen to stumble upon the fact that I am allergic to caffeine and decided to conduct an experiment?”

“You are hilarious. I didn’t stumble onto anything. I heard what you did to my brother and decided to learn more about you. Then I used the information I learned to teach you a lesson.”

“Seriously, this is about Jamie? That asshole went after me first and I just gave him a taste of his own medicine.”

“Watch how you talk about my brother!”

“I will talk about him however the hell I want! It’s because of him I almost died!” I yell back.

“I will admit that was I nice little surprise, I didn’t think you would have such a strong reaction.” She sniggers.

“Is this funny to you? You could have killed me!” I exclaim.

“If taking your life is really that easy maybe you don’t deserve to have one.” She shrugs and walks away.

Her words stay with me all morning so when Ms. Jung calls me to her office and asks me what happened, I tell her everything including my conversation with Jenna. She schedules a disciplinary hearing for after class.

The meeting comprises of Ms. Jung, headmaster Crowley, the Chem teacher Mr. Meeks and Mrs. Flores, the secretary.

I am asked to give an account of what happened and Mr. Meeks confirms the parts he witnessed, which isn’t much.

When Jenna is asked about what happened, she claims she thought the coffee was decaf and denies us ever having the conversation this morning.

Why didn’t I think to record our conversation?!

When Cleo is called in she denies ever speaking to Amandla. She says she only worked the afternoon shift that day so there is no way she could have known what Jenna ordered.

“I understand Juliana might be finding it hard to adjust to a new environment and has decided to lash out because of it. However I have been both physically and emotionally affected by her actions. I ask that you punish her accordingly.” Jenna says.

Jenna provides medical records detailing the burn she suffered in the lab. She also adds that though what I did to her amounts to defamation and slander, she has decided not to press official charges. She says it is all for the sake of the school so she is leaving it up to them to decide my punishment.

She can't be serious!

While they deliberate, I ask Cleo why she changed her statement.

“My boss asked me to. I am sorry, I wish I could help but I can’t lose my job.” She says.

A few minutes later I am called back into the room.

“First of, I want to thank Miss Bradford for choosing not to press charges against Miss Ortiz. That was very considerate of you for considering the school.” The headmaster says.

“As a Fontaine student it’s my responsibility to protect the school's reputation. After all my family and Fontaine have such a long history.” Jenna says.

It takes a lot of willpower to not roll my eyes.

“Of course. Now for the punishment, we decided not to punish you for the accident in the lab because your allergy is not something you have control over. I do urge you however to manage it better so that what happened to Miss Bradford doesn’t happen again. For the slanderous accusations you will have to help clean the dining hall after dinner for the next two weeks.” Mr. Crowley says.

Seriously?! I am the one who almost died yet I’m the one being punished?

“And before you think of complaining, remember we are being generous enough to make sure your punishment doesn’t interfere with your school work. It could have been much worse. Use this time to reflect on your actions. Also find a way to adjust to Fontaine that is not disruptive.” With that he dismisses us.

As we are walking out of the building Jenna stops me.“A little friendly advice, stop being so naïve. Did you really think someone like me would be nice to a nobody like you? Oh and remember just because my last name isn’t Fontaine doesn’t mean this school isn’t mine.”

She’s right wherever I go only two things really matter: money and power. And I have neither so I will always be at the mercy of people like Jenna.



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- Oli 💌

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