Chapter 3

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The idiot who ruined my morning swim looks at me with a confused face.


“You heard me”

“All students are allowed to use the facilities and last I checked I was a student here”Is she giving me an attitude right now? She disturbed my morning swim!

“Everyone knows no one else is allowed in the pool when I am using it in the morning!” I shout losing my cool.

“Well I am new here but that doesn’t change the fact that you are trying to hog school facilities”

“Hog? Do you even know who I am?”

“No I don’t and I don’t really care to find out.” She says finally leaving my pool.

I still have time before class so I go for a run to cool down. The run doesn’t help. In fact it just gave me more time to stew over the utter disrespect I had to endure.

As soon as I enter the dining hall Tiago saunters up to me.

“Who peed in your cereal?” he says throwing an arm around my shoulders.

“That doesn’t even makes sense, I obviously haven’t had breakfast yet.”

“You know what I mean” he says rolling his eyes.

“Someone interrupted my swim this morning”

“Who would dare interrupt my Patty’s morning swim?” he says ruffling my hair. I swear he does it just because he knows he can. As my best friend, he is the only one who can get away with blatantly ignoring what I say. Even mom doesn’t do that anymore.

“Cut it out” I say elbowing him in his side. “I am being serious”

“Okay tell me everything”

“So I had been doing laps for a while, completely in the zone when I felt a disturbance in the water. At first I ignored it because apart from you no one else would disturb me. And of course there is no way you would be up that early so I figured my mind was playing tricks on me or something. But the disturbance continues so I get out of the water, that’s when I notice a figure doing laps just like I had been a few minutes earlier. So I was obviously confused right?” I say.

“Right.” Tiago nods.

“So when she came up for air I asked her what she was doing in my water. And do you know what she said?”


“That as a student she has the right to all the school’s facilities. She said I was hogging school facilities. And when I asked if she knew who I was she said she didn’t care to find out. To my actual face!” I say fuming.

“Wow she is either really brave or stupid. Did you get a name?” Tiago says.

“Dude, you are supposed to be on my side right now not making plans to add her to your harem.” I grumble.

“I’ve told you before to call it by its proper name, the hottie harem. Also I am not trying to add her to anything, I haven’t even met her yet.” Tiago says leading us down the breakfast line.

Tiago grabs pancakes, fruits and yoghurt for me and French toast and cereal for himself. At the juice station I grab orange juice for him and apple juice for myself.

“So you will decide whether or not to add her after meeting her?” I ask.

“Of course.” Tiago replies. A dumb grin taking over his face.

“Who are we talking about?” Charles asks as we sit down at our usual table in the middle of the room.

After Tiago tells him the story he says, “She must be loaded. Who else would treat Patrick like that?”

“The new girl?” Jamie asks. Charlie nods. “Heard she is here on a scholarship, just got here yesterday.”

“Mystery solved. She is new and obviously didn’t know any better.” Tiago says, as always trying to play mediator.

“How about we teach her better then?” Charles asks with a mischievous grin.

I give him a nod and he and Jamie get to planning.


This update took awhile. It's been harder than expected writing two stories at once. I will try to update more regularly.
- Oli <3

If you want to check out my other story check it out here:

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