Chapter 15

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It’s the second day of my punishment so I know the drill by now. After I have my dinner I will have to wait until all the other students have eaten before I start with the cleaning up. I realized yesterday that it takes much longer than you would think.

The dining hall is usually open four hours for dinner. I am used to having my dinner halfway through the first hour so that I can get an early start on my schoolwork. So I did the same thing yesterday forgetting I would have to clean up afterwards.

From what I noticed last week, which was also confirmed by Amandla, is that almost everyone has their dinner within the first two hours with a few stragglers in the third hour and l the hall is usually empty by the fourth hour. But last night Jenna and her friends made sure until the very last minute, waiting until the kitchen staff told them it was closing time. All just so that I would clean longer into the night.

“How did the cleaning go last night?” Ken asks.

“Longer than I thought especially since I had to do everything alone.”

“I thought you would be helping the kitchen staff? Do you need help tonight?” Mara says.

“I am not supposed to receive any help because the staff is supposed to help but they are not. I think Jenna got to them.”

“She seriously has too much time on her hands.” Amandla says.

“I heard her best friend is just as crazy.” Ken says.

“Sofia?” Amandla asks.

“Yeah. I heard the cheerleaders talking, turns out the reason she invite Jules to the party was to have her get lost in the woods when the guards showed up, have her get caught insuring she gets into trouble.” Ken says.


I don’t know why I am so surprised. If Jenna is any indication, they are obviously really good at acting. All that being nice to and trying to include me was all a long con to get me into trouble.

Why? Because I didn’t know the unofficial rules here? Because I didn’t let Jamie walk all over me? Or is it because I am here on scholarship?

“Is it because I don’t pay tuition the same way they do?” I ask.

“I doubt it. Sure I have never seen them welcome a scholarship kid with open arms before but they mostly leave them alone.” Mara says.

“I think that’s mostly because the last few have always tried so hard to be liked by them and fit in. Maisie was the latest one and she basically changed into one of them last year. Compared to that Jules is the exact opposite.” Ken comments.

“It is not really about you Jules. They are just asshats being asshats. You don’t have to change yourself into a doormat just to please them.” Amandla says.

This time around I don’t stick around after dinner. Our group moves to the library to get some studying done for our math test next week.

When there are few minutes for the hall to close, I go back to clean.I almost crash into someone as I walk into the hall.

“Oh sorry I didn’t…Tiago?” I ask.

“Yeah...” He says finally raising his head.

“I have been meaning to thank you for the other day in the lab. Thank you for getting me to the nurse’s office.” I say.

“Glad I could help.” He says turning to leave.

“Wait…I also wanted to ask, why did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Save me. Your best friend hates me and the rest of your friends are out to get me so I don’t understand why you helped me.”

He sighs. “Hate is a strong word”

“It is also an accurate one.” I say.

“Patrick is…complicated and I am not sure how I feel about being referred to as a friend of the rest of them. What I do know is I would never just stand by and watch someone die, especially over childish bickering. I am not a monster.” He says.

“Well thanks for not being a monster, I guess.”

He smiles faintly. “You are welcome, I guess?"

He starts to work away but then stops, turning to face me again.

"Also sorry for what Jenna did to you and what Sofia tried to do. Also for what Jamie did.”

“You don’t have to apologize for their actions, you are not responsible for them. But since this is probably the only apology I will be getting, I will take it. No need to apologize for Jamie though, I don’t know if you heard but I got my payback already.”

He chuckles. “So I have heard. You have a powerful arm.”

“I am stronger than I look.” I say flexing my pitiful arm drawing more laughter from him.



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- Oli 💌

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