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I am pretty sure this is the right way but in the dark everything looks the same.

Dammit I am going to miss curfew! Meeting up in the woods is getting old, next time I will suggest somewhere better.

Hearing a noise nearby, I stop.

Please, please don't let it be an animal.
Standing still I listen again and this time I hear voices.

"This way" someone shouts.

Oh thank god, people finally. I can't be that far from campus then.

I decide to walk towards the voices. I almost walk into a clearing when I hear another voice.

" Please...please don't kill me...I have a wife...and kids."

What is going on here?

I press record.

" How is any of that our problem?"

" Yeah, that sounds like a you problem, man."

" We are just having a little bit of fun. Why are bringing up your family?"

The three men surround the man as he continues to beg.

On closer look the man on the ground looks badly beaten up, he is barefoot and his clothes are torn. One of them hits him in his face with a rifle. I almost drop my phone.

I have to get out of here.

I take a step back and a branch snaps.


One of the men looks over in my general direction. I almost stop breathing. Then all three start walking towards me.

I bolt.

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