Chapter 24

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“Get up.”

I groan and turn away from the voice.

I feel the bed dip and then I am being jostled around. I crack an eye open to see Tiago jumping on the bed.

“What are you doing?” I groan.

“Trying to get you to wake up.” Tiago says innocently.

I look over at the digital clock on the bedside table.

“Its 9 am on a Sunday morning and my head is killing me. Why are you waking me?”

“Let’s get breakfast at Blue’s, it will take care of your hangover.”

Eyebrow raised I ask; “Are you sure this is really about my hangover not the fact that you enjoy Sunday breakfast at Blue’s?”

“That’s just a lucky coincidence.”

“Yeah right. Ask one of you harem girls to go with you, I’m sure they won’t mind. I’m going back to sleep for the rest of the day.” I say throwing the covers over my head.I hear the bed dip again as he climbs off and breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as I am falling back asleep, a weight falls on top of me. My eyes fly open.

“What are you still doing here?”

“I am not going anywhere until you wake up.”  Tiago says getting comfortable laying across me.

“You are wasting your time, I’m not moving.”

“So that’s not going to work. I guess I will just have change my strategy.”

Before I can guess what he is talking about, Tiago sits up and proceeds to tickle me.

“Tiago…stop it…you know how…ticklish I am” I gasp.

“Exactly so just give up. Agree to my demands and I will leave you alone.”

I try holding out but it’s no use.With tears of laughter streaming down my face I say; “Okay…okay…you win.”

“Wise choice, Patty.” He says petting my hair.

Forty minutes later we pull into the Blue’s diner parking lot. We walk into the diner that is about 80% full and take a seat at a table by the windows.

“So why did you get wasted this time? Was it your dad again?” Tiago asks as we have coffee while we wait for our food.


“What did you talk about?”

“The police investigation.”

“And that made you get wasted, why?” he asks.

“Patrick, is that you?”


“Oh my god, it is you. What are the odds?” Mel says pulling Benny closer to our table.

“I guess people like the breakfast here more than I thought. Hi Benny.”


“And who is this?” Melanie says looking at Tiago.

“This is Tiago, Tiago this is Mel and Benny.” I say.

They all exchange brief greetings.

“Can I speak with you for a minute?” Melanie asks.


Both Tiago and Benny look a bit uncomfortable, I don’t blame them. Having to hang out one on one with someone you just met can be awkward.

The diner isn’t that big so Melanie leads me outside.

“You should have told me you are seeing someone.” Melanie says.


“I don’t think you are the type to take just anyone of your dates out for breakfast so he must be special. He seems nice too. I don’t feel comfortable continuing our relationship behind your boyfriend’s back.”

When I look at her blankly she continues. “If he is like Benny then you have my permission to come clean to him about our…arrangement. If he doesn’t then we can continue.”

I can’t help myself, I start laughing.

“I’m being serious Patrick.” Melanie says exasperated.

“I’m sorry, I am not laughing at you. Tiago and I are not dating.”

“Really? Are you going to tell me you take all your one night stands out for breakfast then?”

“No that’s not…we are just friends.”

“Are you sure? I could have sworn-”

“I am sure. Tiago is my best friend.”

Melanie looks at me skeptically.

“You can ask him yourself if you don’t believe me.” I suggest.

When we get back to the table Tiago and Benny seem to have loosened up a bit.

“Sorry about that guys. I just had something to ask Patrick.”

“It’s okay.” Tiago says.

“So how long have you and Patrick known each other?” Melanie asks.

She is so not subtle.

“Since first grade. I was the only kid not kissing the ground he walks on because of his last name. We got into a tousle because of it and we have been best friends since.” Tiago answers.

“Oh my god that’s so cute.” Melanie says and Benny chuckles quietly.

The waiter finally brings our food and their takeout.“Wish we could stay and chat but we made other plans. It was nice meeting you Tiago.” Melanie says.

Once they leave we dig into our breakfast of avocado toast, pancakes, scrambled eggs and smoothies.

“So what did you and Mel talk about? No let me guess…you were scheduling your next hook up?” Tiago asks taking a sip of his smoothie.

“No she actually confronted me about seeing her behind your back.”

Tiago chokes on his coffee. Surprising people when they think they have you all figured out is the best feeling.




“Who knows?”

“Was she going to end it if you were seeing someone?”

“Yeah. She did say if you were like Benny and gave your blessing then we could continue.” I say with a shrug.

“Benny is a saint, I could never. If you were my boyfriend you wouldn’t be allowed to look at anyone else let alone sleep with them with my blessing.” Tiago states.

Whoever he ends up actually dating is in for a rough time. He is too possessive.

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