Chapter 30

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“I swear money makes people stupid.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Just look at new girl, she’s supposed to be some kind of genius but look at how she is acting. The guy she just started dating could be the reason his last girlfriend is missing but she is ignoring all that just because of his money.”

“Did you hear? He and Patrick might have worked together to get rid of Maisie and Andrea.”

I turn around and look at them but my classmates don’t look away. In fact one of them might actually be glaring at me right now.

“Do you have proof?” Tiago asks walking up.


“If you don’t want to get sued I suggest you keep that shit to yourself.” He says taking the seat next to me.

We have been in this class together since I started here but he has never sat next to me.

“What’s it to you? We weren’t even talking about you.”  One of the girls says defensively.

“Yeah and it’s not like we are lying anyways.” The other says.

“First of all, you were talking about Patrick so that makes it my business. Secondly, you aren’t lying? Where’s your proof?” Tiago says.

“The police wouldn’t have questioned Patrick if they didn’t have some proof about him and Andrea. And everyone knows Ethan is the only one of Sofia’s exes that she is territorial over.”

“Patrick wasn’t officially questioned, he didn’t even have to go down to the station. And the rumors about Ethan are just that, rumors. There is no proof. Someone could have made the whole thing up.” Tiago states.

“Whatever.” They say and they turn away from us.

I stare at Tiago.

“What?” he asks.

“It’s just weird, everyone says you are the “nice” one.”

“I guess even my niceness has its limits. I am surprised you didn’t say anything to defend your boyfriend.”

“You beat me to it. Besides I don’t think my word carries any weight around here. I never even met either of the missing girls. No one cares what I have to say on the matter. I am just the stupid girl ignoring her boyfriend’s likely crimes for the sake of his money remember?” I shrug.

“You don’t believe any of that do you?”

“Of course not, my reasons for dating Ethan are many but his money is not one of them.” I say.

It’s not exactly true though. His money is part of why he is able to shield me from some of the abuse.

“They are just jealous because some of them have had a crush on Ethan for the longest time but because of Sofia they haven’t acted on it. Then you come around and do exactly what they have been afraid to do. I doubt Ethan would have given them the time of day anyways.” Tiago says.

“They have a weird way of showing it. It seems like they believe the rumors about him and Maisie.”

“I guess we will just have to prove them wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

“The police investigation seems to be going nowhere so I am thinking of doing my own investigation.”


“Because I want to prove the rumors false. Patrick did really spend the break with my family so either Andrea lied to a bunch of people or someone made up the whole thing. I’m going to prove it.”

“Count me in.” I say.

“Why would you help Patrick? Don’t you guys hate each other’s guts?”

“I am doing this for Ethan. Helping Patrick will just be a byproduct of that. Besides I want to know what happened to those girls.”

“Okay but the two of you are going to have to call a truce on your rivalry or whatever it is.”

“Fine, as long as you convince him.”




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- Oli 💌

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