Chapter 41

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“Wait, they all went to Fontaine? Is that why they took Maisie?” Mara asks.

“Maisie was a shy freshman when they were seniors, I don’t think they hung out in the same circles.” Ethan says.

“Ethan is right. I think it is more likely it was a spur of the moment thing. They only went after her because she saw something they didn’t want anyone to see.” Ken adds.

As I listen to the discussion I look over at Tiago and wonder if he also realized the other thing all three have in common.

They are all members of the Order of Artemis.

I tune back into what the rest of the group is saying but no one mentions that connection.

I don’t know if it’s because it has been over two years or because like Maisie they didn’t run in the same circles or if it’s because none of them are members of the junior order. Whatever the reason they don’t make the connection and I don’t know if I should say something or feel relieved they don’t know.

As we drive back to campus I decide to mention it to Tiago.

“Did you notice anything else those guys have in common?”

“What like the fact that they are bunch of sadists?”

“Well that too, I guess but I meant the fact that they are all part of the order.”

“No wonder they looked familiar.”

“Do you think…that’s the kind of stuff they do in the actual order. Is that what we will have to do once we graduate and become full members?” I ask.

The blood drains from his face.

“I have seen dad going and coming from hunts all the time. That can’t be what they do. Those guys just lost it.” Tiago says.

I don’t know if he is trying to convince me or himself. I want to be believe it though.

There is only one person I can think of who can put me at ease about this.

“Dad probably heard something about this so I am going to quickly drop by and ask.” I say.

I drop Tiago at the school gates and drive home. I haven’t been here in months yet everything looks the same.

Dad’s car is in the driveway so I let myself in and head to his study. The door is ajar.

“…escaped a few days ago. We have been searching but no luck yet.”

“Dammit Rodgers, you had one job!” dad shouts.

Who is he talking to?

Before I can hear anymore dad notices me at the door.

“We will talk about this later.” he says to screen.

So it was a video call.

“Patrick what are you doing here?” he says to me.

“I was wondering if you saw the video.”

“What video?”

“The one with Nate, Cullen and Darren.”

“Oh that, I saw it.”

“There is nothing to worry about, lawyers are already working on it. They will make sure their actions won’t reflect badly on the rest of us.” Dad adds.

“You hired them lawyers?”

“Not me personally. One of the members has a law firm and he volunteered its services. Those young men are still part of the order, just because they got a bit carried away doesn’t mean we abandon them.”

“A bit carried away? They beat up that man and who knows what they did to Maisie!” I exclaim.

“Don’t believe baseless rumors Patrick, I raised you better than that. They only got a bit rough with the man because of some unpaid debts but they didn’t do anything to the girl. She misunderstood the situation and ran. They only went after her to explain what she saw.” He says.

“If explaining is all they did, why haven’t either of them been seen since?” I ask.

Dad sighs.

“It could be for any number of reasons. Maybe the man skipped town because of his many debts and your classmate maybe decided school isn’t for her and went to join a circus. Who knows?” He chuckles.


“No, Patrick. What you should be doing is focusing on school instead of letting yourself get swept up in ridiculous stories.” He admonishes.

Taking a deep breath I decide to change tactics.

“Okay.” I say.

“Good. Now get back to school, you need to be rested for class tomorrow.”

“I almost forgot, what were you talking about when I arrived? It sounded important, something about someone escaping?” I ask.

“Oh that? An old business rival escaped from prison a few days ago. He thinks I played a part in sending him away that’s why they were letting me know about it.” he says.

“I hope they find him.”

As I drive back to school I puzzle over two things. One is the way Dad flinched when I asked him about the call. The second is that I could have sworn Rodgers, the person dad was speaking to, said she escaped but dad said he when referring to his former business rival.

Did I mishear or is dad lying?



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you thought of the chapter and don't forget to vote!
- Oli 💌

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