Chapter 2

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Two hours later we arrive at another airfield. As we drive through the town it looks like a typical small town. One main road goes through the middle of the town. It starts off with businesses on either side, a fast food place, a theater, a grocery store, one or two clothing stores, a hardware store next to a repairs shop, a diner and a hair salon. Surprisingly there is also a small mall so maybe the population isn’t as tiny as I thought. The further we move away from the business district the grander the houses get.

As we drive away from the town proper we are completely surrounded by nature and it is beautiful. On either side of the winding road are tall pine trees standing like sentries guarding whoever travels on this road. The road is long and winding taking us deeper and deeper into the mountains. After half-an-hour I finally see long wrought iron gates and brass letters that read ‘Fontaine Academy’. After a security check we are allowed to proceed onto the campus grounds.

As I look around I notice the campus is even more impressive than its pictures online. We park to the side of a huge grey staccato building. The front of the building is a miniature park complete with benches, picnic tables and even a small pond.

“This is Dumont Hall, this is where you will have all your classes. The first floor is the faculty lounge and administration offices.” Ms. Jung says as we enter the building.

“This is my office.” She says as she opens a door.

The nameplate on the desk reads; ‘Amelie Jung Student Dean’. A couple of framed degrees and awards decorate the walls and there are picture frames on her desk, probably pictures of her kids. Apart from that there are no other personal touches.

“Your stipend can be accessed through this.” She says hanging over a bank card. “Your uniform has already been delivered to your room and this is your class schedule.”

“Make sure to read up on the school’s rules and regulations on the student portal, I just sent you your login information.”

“Thank you”

“You are over in the Briar dorms. You have missed one day of class so make sure to get enough rest tonight. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

I decide not to head to the dorms right away and instead I familiarize myself with Dumont Hall. Using my class schedule I make sure I know where each of my classes is located and the position of the bathrooms and exits on each floor. After I memorize the best routes to and from the classes I finally call it a day and head to the dorms.

The closer I get to the dorms the less quiet it gets. I guess the reason the rest of the school was quiet is because all the students are in their dorms already. According to the campus map there are only two dorms Briar for the girls and Thorne for the boys. The two dorms are a stone’s throw from each other with a little park in between them. Each building is only four floors high which is more than enough for the small student population. Each grade has one class of 25 to 30 students.

Though the dorm matches the rest of school on the outside with the same grey aesthetic, inside it has a sleek modern look. The common room is covered in couches, loveseats and beanbags in complementary monochrome colors. The little kitchen nook is filled the latest coffee machines and other appliances.

I avoid the group of girls congregating there and look for room 308. I find it on the third floor. Opening the door I find a girl sitting on a mat in the middle of the room. She is facing the door but her eyes are closed. Her tight curls are tied at the top of her head, the hair is such deep brown it almost looks black. The breeze coming from the open window and the last of the sun’s rays frame her making her warm brown skin glow. She looks like a deity out of one of Christie’s fantasy novels.

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