Chapter 29

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I am afraid to sleep. Every time I lay down to sleep I am afraid I will have that dream again. The dream of me kissing my best friend. After that first night, I have had that same dream every night.

I don’t understand where it’s coming from though. Tiago and I have always had a platonic relationship.

I don’t know what prompted these dreams. Is it because I saw my dorm mates making out before I went to bed? That doesn’t seem likely because I have seen guys make out before and that didn’t have an effect on my dreams.

The whole thing has made being around Tiago awkward. We were supposed to hang out in his room after dinner but I made up a studying excuse to avoid the awkwardness. I am worried sooner or later he will realize I am avoiding him and ask me why, I won’t be able to answer that question.

So I have decided to avoid sleeping for a while. If I don’t sleep, I won’t dream and our friendship will go back to normal. I can’t lose Tiago, if sacrificing a few hours of sleep is what it takes then so be it.

I gather snacks with high caffeine levels and sit down to get some reading done.

Hours later when I realize I have been reading the same sentence over and over again without understanding it, I abandon the books for gaming.

I quickly lose interest though so I go out for a run around the track. Everything is so quite this time of night, it’s like I am the only one on campus.

I only manage five laps before I give up and trudge back to my room.

After a cold shower to chase away the exhaustion, I settle down with the books again.

“You can take the left side, Patty.” Tiago says.

As soon as we lay down I seal my lips over his and he lets out a surprised squeak. It only lasts a second before he pulls back.

“Pat…what are you…what are you doing?” he asks.

“Just for a while…” I say and go back to kissing him. At first he is frozen but then I kisses me back and it’s like a fuse is lit.

It feels like it both goes on forever and like it has lasts seconds only. The moment my hand makes contact with the bare skin, he pulls away.

“No. You are drunk.” He says.


“You will regret this in the morning.”

When I don’t say anything, he turns me around so that I am facing away from him and cuddles me.

“Just go to sleep Patty.”

I wake up with a gasp. I am still sitting at my desk.

Oh my god, these aren’t dreams are they? They are drunken memories.


It's all my fault. I kissed him. How could I have been so stupid? What if he hadn’t stopped it, how far would I have taken it?

At least one of us was sane enough to put a stop to that.

How come he never said anything? I am not sure if I am more glad or embarrassed he didn’t mention it.

It turns out I am more embarrassed than glad because the moment Tiago walks up to me the next morning, my fight or flight instinct kicks in.

“Hey Patty. Did you get that reading done last night?”

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