Chapter 12

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I guess the newness of Fontaine has worn off a bit, I have caught myself spacing out a couple of times this morning. To be completely honest I am not sure it’s boredom.

Since getting back to my room a little after midnight on Friday I have been on edge.Thanks to Ethan’s help I was able to get back unnoticed but after I was safely in my room I couldn’t help but worry that someone had seen me.

All weekend I worried that I would get in trouble and lose my scholarship. I realized how careless I had been to risk everything I have ever worked for just for one night of fun. At the end of the day it wasn’t even all that great.

I begged and pleaded with the universe to let me off the hook just this once. Promising to never do something so stupid ever again. When today rolled around I was still expecting to be summoned to the dean’s office.

When hour after hour went by without that happening I began to relax and by the time lunch came around I finally breathed I sigh of relief. No one had seen me.

Weirdly the absence of the anxiety left me feeling drained and I catch my mind wandering several times. I force myself to pay attention only to catch myself thinking about something totally unrelated to the lesson. So it’s not really boredom, I just wish class was over so that I can sleep away the mental fatigue.

“I guess you guys made it back okay Friday?”

The question comes from a girl that just sat next to me. Her golden hair and pale blue eyes look familiar but I can’t put my finger on where I have seen them before.

“Oh sorry, forgot we haven’t been introduced. I’m Jenna.” She adds.

“Oh you are J- Sofia’s friend. Hi.”

I stop myself just in time from calling her Jamie’s twin. I am hoping if I don’t remind her they are related, she won’t act like him.

“That’s right. So you didn’t run into the dorm monitors or guards?”

“No, I didn’t run into any of them.”

She seems a bit surprised. “What about your friend?"

“We got separated. I got lost for a while there but thankfully found my way out.”

“The woods can be hard to navigate especially at night. I guess you have a better sense of direction than most.”

“I guess I do.” I don’t mention Ethan, it might get him in trouble too.

“I just got these on my way here, have one.” She says motioning to two steaming Styrofoam cups.

“Thanks but I don’t do well with caffeine.” I say.

“Wow I have never met anyone who doesn’t like caffeine. Don’t worry though you can have this one, its decaf.” She says handing me one of the cups.


She takes the other cup and starts sipping away.

“So how are you liking Fontaine so far?”

“It’s okay. Definitely not what I am used to but I adapt quickly.”

I take a long sip from my cup. It taste very different from what I am used to. Must be because I don’t really drink coffee that much. Plus I have noticed at Fontaine they use a lot brands I have never even heard of let alone tasted before.

Just as she’s about to ask another question, the teacher enters the class. He informs us we will be doing chemical reactions today. I collect the materials we will be using while Jenna reads over the instructions.

“So you take that and pour into this.” She says.

I pick up the beaker. “How much should I-”

I stop suddenly as I am overcome by a coughing fit. I go to put down the beaker but at that very moment I feel my throat start to close up and panic. The beaker falls out of my hand, contents spilling everywhere.I hear Jenna scream.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

Everything sounds far away. I watch as if in slow motion as I tip off my chair.

Someone catches me before I hit the ground then I am being carried out of class. As I continue to wheeze weakly, I look up at the face of my savior. Tiago?

When I come to, I am lying on a bed with a curtain covering the one side. Must be the nurse’s office.

“How are you feeling?” a kind voice asks.

The kind voice is attached to a middle aged woman with deep brown skin, kind brown eyes and tight brown curls framing her face. From the school website, I know this is Nurse Patience.

“I feel better.” I say, voice still sounding a bit rough.

“Do you remember what happened?” she asks.

“I was in the Chem Lab. We were just about to start with our experiment when I started coughing and then my throat started close up. I fell over then someone carried me out. I guess they brought me here.”

“Yes, Tiago brought you here. I don’t think it was a reaction to what you were handling in the lab. Did you eat or drink anything before? Do you have any food allergies?”

“I do have a caffeine allergy but I don’t drink…Jenna gave me some coffee but she said it was decaf. Why would she lie about that?”

“Well I don’t know if she lied or why but you definitely had a reaction to something you ate. From now on be extra vigilant with your food and make sure to always have your medication close by.”


After she is done treating my reaction she gives me the rest of the day off to recuperate. With nothing else to do all I can think about is what happened in the lab.

Did Jenna really think it was decaf or did she give me fully caffeinated coffee on purpose? If it was intentional, was it a last minute decision when I mentioned my dislike for caffeine or did she already know about my allergy? If she knew, how did she know?



Sorry for the late upload 🙏🏾

Here's chapter 12, hope you enjoy! If you do, don't forget to vote and add to your reading list.

- Oli 💌

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