Chapter 7

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“We heard you got into trouble with the cheer squad yesterday?” Ken asks as we have breakfast.

“Those three are cheerleaders? Why am I not surprised?” I ask.

“They are not actual cheerleaders. Fontaine doesn’t have a cheer squad. They are the inner circle’s personal cheerleaders.” Ken says.

“Patrick and his friends play sports?”

“Yes but that’s not what he meant, they just hang around Patrick and his friends. They scare away other prospects.” Mara says.

“They think they literally own those guys. Well except maybe Tiago, he belongs to his harem.” Ken adds.

“Which one is Tiago? Does he really have a harem?” I ask.

“There is no way you would have missed him. Tall, golden skinned, killer smile, eyes like melted chocolate…or so I have heard.” Ken says sheepishly.

Laughter erupts at the table.

“Definitely haven’t run into him.” I say catching my breath.

“He is Patrick’s best friend. And by far the sanest of the bunch. He at least tries to keep him in check. He has a lot of admirers. Rumor has it he hooks up with no one else but them so people dubbed them his harem.” Amandla says.

“It would have been great if he were there yesterday then.” I say.

After breakfast we have an assembly. Apparently this is unusual, they are usually scheduled before the term begins. This one isn’t on the schedule.

This is my first time in the assembly hall since I missed the first day of school assembly. Like everything else about Fontaine Academy the hall is impressive. Designed like a massive theater with décor in the school colors.

As soon as we are seated Ms. Jung takes the stage.

“Good morning students. I know this is a bit out of the ordinary but we have the police with us here today who want to talk to you all.” She says and then motions for someone to come onto the stage.

“I am detective Rivers. We are here about a missing person’s report. Her name is Maisie Andrews and she is 17. She was last seen Monday evening in the dining hall. There are still no clues as to her whereabouts so if any of you have any information that may help us find her please get in touch. You can do that through Ms. Jung or drop by the station directly.” He says.

The dean takes the stage again to go over what the detective said and assure us that whatever we share with them will be kept strictly confidential.

As we walk to class I catch snippets of conversation.

“Do you think she is really missing?”

“Maisie? No. it hasn’t even been that long, she is probably having fun somewhere.”

“I don’t understand why she insists on being reckless. She could lose her scholarship over this.”

“She tries so hard to fit in with the popular crowd sometimes I think she thinks she is really one of them.”

“Remember when she demanded an extension for her project just because Sofia and Jenna got one?”

“Of course I remember. I had to beg Mrs. Reynolds to grade my work on its own because I didn’t want her poor work ethic to affect my grade too.”

As they go into more detail of the project, I tune them out.

“Do you guys know the missing girl?” I ask Amandla and her friends.

“Not really. I think the only class any of us share with her is P.E and even then we barely interact.” Amandla says.

“I had Chem with her two years ago. She was new and shy but nice back then. She mostly hung out with the other scholarship kids. But things changed last year. She ditched her friends and started hanging around ‘the cheerleaders’ and started acting like them too. I guess she was trying to fit in.” Ken says.

“Do you guys also think she is not really missing? That this is all attention stunt?” I ask.

“Why would she risk her scholarship though?” Amandla asks.

“Exactly. Besides if everyone finds out she faked everything, she will be an outcast. The opposite of what she wants.” Ken adds.

“For her sake, I really hope it is all fake.” Mara says.“You want her to be an outcast?” I ask.

“No. If it is all fake then she is okay. If she is really missing…”



The second upload for this week is up earlier than planned, I hope you don't mind too much. 😅

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Thank you for reading!
- Oli <3

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