Chapter 11

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I exit the bathroom to find Tiago laying across my bed.

Its times like these I regret him having the passcode to my room.

"Don't you knock?" I ask as I continue to dry my hair.

"Knocking is for people that don't have a way in."

"What if I had a girl over?"

"You have no interest in any of the girls here."

I hate it when he is right.

"You never listen to me do you?" he says.


He walks up to me and takes the towel I was using to dry my hair.

"Drying your hair like that will only damage it. Sit." He says motioning to the bed.

Once I am seated he starts patting the hair dry.

"Doing it like that takes too much time. Besides I have great hair genes, stop worry about it falling out."

"You are so lazy, you could always use the dryer I got you."

"That thing is practical? I thought it was a gag gift, haven't even removed it from its packaging yet."

"Pat, I gave that to you months ago!" Tiago sighs.

"You will thank me one day when you are a septuagenarian with all your hair still intact."

After he is done drying my hair, he digs out the hair dryer from the back of the closet while I get changed. Afterwards he shows me how to use it.

"What are you up to today?" Tiago asks.

"I'm spending the day with Mel remember?"


Melanie is my kind of girlfriend. I say kind of because I am not her official boyfriend. That title belongs to Benny.

Benny is her official boyfriend, he isn't into physical intimacy though. That's where I come in. Mel and I have a good physical relationship but I don't have the time or desire for a girlfriend.

They discussed it and Benny gave his "blessing", so Mel and I have a purely physical relationship.But on some days like today all three of us meet up and just hang out.

"Did you want to do something?" I ask.

"Nope. I was going to hang out with the hottie harem and thought you might want to tag along."

"When have I ever willingly hung out with your groupies?"

"Now that you mention it, never. The rest of guys seem to like it though so I thought I would ask."

"And when have I been like any of them?"

Tiago chuckles.

"Of course you are not like any of them, Patty. That's why you are spending your day with someone else's girlfriend while they are spending theirs watching my harem fawn all over me." he says ruffling my hair.

I don't correct him about today's plans. He is spending the day with his harem and our friends. I am not going to tell him I am spending the day with my fuck buddy and her boyfriend.

"By the way, what was up with you last night?" Tiago asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Your whole mood changed when you saw the new girl at the party."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"It seemed like you wanted to get into it with her and then when she didn't bite you started drinking more than you usually do. I practically had to carry you back here. Does she bother you that much?"

I sigh. I was hoping he hadn't noticed but nothing gets pass him.

"I had a call from dad before the party. He said he was just checking in but it was really a reminder to not drop the ball. It seems he has already heard from his spies about the new girl and like everyone else thinks she might be competition for me. He reminded me to make sure to not lose to anyone especially a charity case. He also said no distractions are allowed so I am to remain on campus until first evaluations."

"It is literally the first week of school!" Tiago exclaims.

"I know. I guess what he said got to me more than I thought because when I saw her at the party I almost lost it. It felt like she had infiltrated yet another place that is supposed to be mine. I can't believe Sofia invited her so easily."

"She did it for you apparently."

"How was inviting my enemy for me?"

"Enemy, really? The two of you just don't like each other, let's not overreact."

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Let me rephrase, how was inviting Juliana a favor to me?"

"You know she prefers Jules." Tiago says unimpressed.

"We don't like each other remember so I don't care what she prefers."

"Fair. So apparently Sofia heard what Jules did to Jamie and that you don't like her so she invited her to avenge her best friend's twin and get into your good graces. The plan was to have someone tip of security about the party and make sure she got caught. That way she could at best get a couple of demerits or at worst get kicked out."

"Wow, I didn't know Sofia was so devious. How did you hear about all that anyways?"

"I've always known she is devious, it's one of the reasons we broke up actually. As to how I found out, I overheard some of the seniors asking why she invited Jules and Rhys told them her plan."

"Did they plan it together?"

"Wouldn't surprise me. Those cousins are usually as thick as thieves."

"Do you know if the plan worked?" I ask.

"I guess we will have to wait and see."



Thank you for reading this chapter. Did you predict any of what happened in this chapter?

Leave your thoughts, predictions and favorite moments in the comments!

- Oli <3

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