Chapter 27

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“You surprised me on Friday Tiago?” Clara says.


“I didn’t know you had such a talent for acting.”

“Yeah, you were amazing.” Dana adds.

“Thanks guys.”

“Was the show that good?” Melody asks.

“The show was okay but Tiago definitely stole the show.” Clara says.

“He really did and he wasn’t even one of the leads.” Dana says.

“You should try out for a main role next time.” She adds.

“I don’t know, that was my first show. I still have a lot to learn.” Tiago says.

“Your talent speaks for itself. The only other person on that stage at a similar level is Keziah and she gets lead most of the time. They would be insane not to give the lead to you too.” Dana says.

I can tell Tiago is trying not to get ahead of himself but is also enjoying the praise he is getting.

“I guess I will have to see for myself next time too. When is the next show Tiago?” Melody asks.

“Would you guys cut it out? All he did was prance around the stage and you are acting like he discovered the cure to cancer or something.” Charles says cutting in.

“He won’t add you to his harem just because you flatter him. That’s not how it works.” Damon adds.

“You know how it works? It all looks random to me.” Jamie says.

“Actually I don’t know how he chooses them.” Damon says.

“Being hot must be one of the criteria though, they are all pretty hot.” Charles says.

“What are you trying to say?” Melody asks arms folded.

“Calm down Melody, he’s just joking. By the way did you guys hear Ethan is dating the new girl?” Jamie says.

“You mean Jules?” Tiago asks.

“Yeah. Remember Brent’s birthday party? They went together.” Jamie says.

“Just because they went together doesn’t mean they are dating.” I point out.

“That doesn’t but Ethan told Brent she is his girlfriend.” He says.

“I heard they even got into a fight because of her.” Clara says.

“Ethan and Brent?” Tiago asks.

“Yeah, Ethan knocked him out.” Clara says.

Why would he do that? Dating someone not at your level can get so messy. His family is top ten in the country while she is an orphan here on scholarship.

I guess she is showing her true intentions now, she is not here for the Fontaine education but to score a rich boyfriend and tie him down. It will not end well. It never does.

It is late evening when I am doing some research for my English paper in the library when I see them huddled over their books. If I hadn’t heard earlier that they are dating I wouldn’t have guessed from the way they interact. Not that I expect them to be all over each other in the library but just don’t seem like a newly formed couple.

Hours later when I get up to leave I notice they have left already. As I work to the dorms I notice them walking in front of me in the distance. They are holding hands and laughing. I may have misjudged them, maybe they just prioritize their studying.

It’s only as I enter the dorm that I realize I missed dinner so I take a detour to the shared kitchen. There are two of my dorm mates making out against the kitchen counter.I clear my throat and they spring apart and quickly disappear out of sight.

The thought of cooking something is exhausting so I settle for making a grilled cheese sandwich which I eat in three bites.When I get to my room it’s all I can muster up his energy to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow.

Where did Tiago go? Wasn’t he just across the room? Wait how did I get in the bathroom? Well since I am here I might as well take care of business.

I leave the bathroom and start looking for Tiago. I find myself in the kitchen.

“There you are. I have been looking for you everywhere.”

“Tiago!” I say throwing my arms around him.

“Why did you abandon me?”

“I didn’t abandon you, Patty. I think you have had enough though, let’s call it a night.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t drive, didn’t you drink too?”

“I had one glass two and a half hours ago. I think I am doing better than you who is slurring his words.” Tiago says.

Next thing I know I am working into his room.

“Why aren’t you staying in your room Patty?”

“I am staying here with you. Make sure no one steals you away.”

“Do you also need to be naked to guard me?” Tiago chuckles.

“It’s hot in here.” I complain.Tiago fiddles with the air con.

“You can take the left side, Patty.” Tiago says.

Next thing I know my lips are attached to his and he seems just as shocked by that as I am.

I startle awake.What the hell?

Did seeing my dorm mates making out somehow seep into my dreams? That’s the only explanation for whatever the hell that was.

How am I going to look Tiago in the eye tomorrow?


Sorry for the late update so double update today!

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- Oli 💌

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