Chapter 48

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The revelations at lunch are all anyone is talking about in every class afterwards. Jenna, Sofia and the cheerleaders try to intimidate others into believing it’s all a witch hunt against Jamie but I am happy to see no is really buying it.

The police must have enough evidence to confidently call him in for questioning. I wonder if he had some kind of deal with the other three to bring her there. Do they know each other? But how could he hand her over to them after dating for almost a year?

Was he embarrassed to be seen with a scholarship student and that’s why he insisted it remain a secret? Did she want to make it official so he decided to get rid of her permanently?

I don’t get to ponder it for too long before classes are over and I have to attend the disciplinary hearing.

This time the meeting takes place in a board room to accommodate more people. All five girls are there with their mothers. The headmaster and the dean are present to represent the school and Mrs. Ramirez is there as the main witness.

“If I remember correctly last time we met I advised you to find a way to adjust to Fontaine that is less disruptive. What happened this time Miss Ortiz?” the headmaster says when I take my seat.

“Mr. Crowley, Miss Ortiz is the victim here.” Ms. Jung reminds him.

Did he just show up without even going over the facts of the case?

“Are you saying those five girls are the perpetrators?” he asks.


“I find that hard to believe. They are very well behaved girls who have clean school records. They wouldn’t do something like this.” He says.

“And Juliana would?” Mrs. Ramirez asks pointedly.

“I am not accusing her of anything but these young ladies are from good families and they are good students whereas Miss Ortiz has a more…colorful past.” Crowley says.

“I didn’t know you had a hobby of exaggerating, Mr. Crowley. You make it sound like she has a criminal record or something. Her “colorful past” is that she grew up in the foster system, which is not her fault. And if we are judging people according to grades, no other student in this room has better grades than Juliana.” Mrs. Ramirez says.

“Good student or not, I don’t understand why we have to waste our time over the claims of a nobody.” Jenna’s mother, says.

“Mrs. Bradford please refrain from verbal abuse.” Ms. Jung says.

“How dare you insult me? I am not abusive. She is basically a no name, she hasn't proven herself yet. Her parents are probably nobodies too seeing as they abandoned her and she had to get a handout just so that she can get some proper education. Poor thing.” Mrs. Bradford says.

I know she wants a reaction. I swallow my tears, I will not give her what she wants.

“Mrs. Bradford-” Ms. Jung begins but is cut off by Mrs. Ramirez.

“You surprise me every time we meet, Mrs. Bradford. I didn’t take you for the type that would marry “a nobody” as you put it.”

“You do know I am married to James Braford, right? In what world is he a nobody?”

“But you just called him a nobody yourself a moment ago.” Mrs. Ramirez says.

“I never called James a nobody. I was talking about that girl and her parents…What are you trying to say?”

“Exactly what it sounds like. James is Juliana’s father.”


“You are taking things too far, Mrs. Ramirez. There is no need for slander just because of a little fun amongst kids.” Sofia’s mother says.

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