Episode 5: The Manor

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Lee shot a walker while we were heading to the house. We got to the back of the shed and we saw it was open and that there was no boat. "What the fuck?!" Kenny gasped. "Come on. Just...come the FUCK on!" Omid went to check the paper inside the shed. "This was Vernon." Lee said.
"You think so?" Kenny asked.
"Lee, what if...what if this was the guy who took Clem? What if they're gone?" I panicked.
"Guys. Lee's right." Omid said. "Vernon and his group."
"No fuckin way!" Kenny looked at the paper Omid was holding. "THE INVALIDS?!?"
"Their actions, uh, contradict your characterization, but, yeah, the invalids." Omid said.
"He's right. They're not invalids. They're just people. People that have been dealing with shitty situations longer than we have. No wonder they got the jump on us." Cheista said.
"I don't give a fuck if their make-a-wish was a fucking boat ride. When i find them, I'm gonna rip their throats out!" Kenny threatened.
"Fuck em." Lee said. "Cancer, no cancer, saints, sinners, who gives a shit. They knew what they were doing."
"Yeah, screwing us!"
Omid looked at the paper. "He says he feels bad about it. Leaving us and Clementine behind."
"They fucked us." Kenny boomed.
"He's not wrong. They left us to rot." I said. Christa looked down the sidewalk. "Omid can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard?" She asked him.
"Yeah." He went to the fence and jumped over it. "Clementine is still out there." Christa said.
"So we get Clementine and then what?" Kenny asked.
"We get the fuck out of cities. I'm DONE with cities. We go into the countryside and make a go for it." Christa suggested.
"I like that idea." Ben said.
"Nobody asked you." Kenny shot.
"You just did!"
"Don't get fucking smart with me, Ben." Kenny said.
Omid opened the shed. We started to the backyard. "Ben, I swear to God!" Kenny said to Ben as they left the shed. I followed them out while Lee and Christa discussed what's the plan now.

"Where the hell do you get off?"
"I'm saying we should all chill, not just you!" Ben said.
"CHILL? Lee's bitten and God knows how long HE has left. Clementine is, who the fuck knows? And we're robbed of the only chance we had!" Kenny shot.
"So Lee should have left your ass in Crawford. We have enough problems."
"FUCK YOU, KENNY." Ben boomed. "I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck. I AM. And i know I fucked up, but STOP pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead!" Ben said. Kenny opened his mouth to say something, but Ben stopped him. "NO! You know how they died. You said goodbye. I never got to see my family! My parents, my little sister. Do you get that? Your family is gone, but at least you had them to lose." Ben told Kenny. Kenny had some sympathy. I could tell. He had a look of regret on his face. "I never made it home. They could be alive or dead or walkers or WORSE and I DON'T KNOW. SO GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!" Ben yelled. I was shook. I didn't believe that Ben told Kenny off and stood up for himself. "Aw, Ben. I'm..."
The walkers started coming. We ran inside the house.

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