Episode 2: Motor Inn

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Y/n's POV...
I saw Clementine was playing with a ball and kicking it at a trash can. A sat down in a lawn chair we found. Katjaa was with Duck and Duck was drawing. Larry was working on the wall, and Lilly was on the RV keeping watch. Carley was leaning up against the RV. Over the past three months, me and Clem bonded more with Lee, Kenny and his family, and Carley. When Mark came in, it was a lifesaver. We knew we could survive the walkers, but we never thought they would starve us out. We tried to bond with Lilly and Larry, and we kind of did with Lilly, but not really. Larry kept trying to convince us that Lee is dangerous and to stay away from him. We didn't listen, though. We don't know if its because Doug didn't survive, but Lee tried his best to save Carley AND Doug, but he can't save everyone. In fact, I think Larry should start to feel safe around Lee. We heard Lilly give a whistle. We all crouched down and were ready for whatever happened. "Get the gates open! We got wounded!" We heard Lee yell. We stood back up and we saw Lee, Mark, Kenny, and two other people, one of them was being carried by Mark, and missing a leg. They came in and Mark put the one legged man on Kenny's truck. "Lee! I want to know why you thought bringing more mouthes to feed was a good idea!" Lilly yelled.
"Come on Lilly, these are people! People trying to survive just like us. We've got to stick together to survive!" Mark protested.
"The only reason you're here is because you had food. Enough for all of us." Lilly said, which i could tell made Mark mad. "That food is almost gone, we got maybe a weeks worth left. And I don't suppose you guys are carrying any groceries, are you?" She added.
"Um, no."
"Fine, you guys fight out out. Welcome to the family, kid." Mark walked away. Clem grabbed his arm. "Come over here, see what I drew."
"What? No, I--"
"Just come on, okay?"
Clem pulled the college kid away. I followed her and the boy. I sat down with them on the other side of the RV. "Try not to worry about him, pal." I said to him. "I think Katjaa will get him feeling better soon." Carley came over, followed by Kenny and Duck. "You know what? If you think I'm doing such a shitty job, then you do it!" Lilly told Lee. She gave him 4 pieces of food; half an apple, a piece of jerky, and two packs of cheese and crackers. Lee walked over to Mark and Larry who were working on the fence. Clementine and Duck were coloring. I was sitting down with them, along with Ben and Carley. Kenny was sitting on a couch holding a pipe. Lee walked over to us. "How you doing, Clementine?"
"Where's your hat?" Lee asked. I had almost forgot Clem lost her hat. "Can you help me find it?"
"Sure. When did you use it?"
"I had it a couple days ago." Clem added. I looked up at Lee and Clem. "Don't worry, I'll help you find it, too." I said.
"Thank you, Y/n." Clem said to me.
"Hey, is my friend gonna make it?" The kid asked Lee.
"Katjaa will try her best." Lee said to Ben. "So who are you people? Our group's gonna wanna know."
"I'm Ben. Ben Paul. The guy who's leg you cut off is Mr David Parker, the band director. The one you left was Travis, and my last classmate." Ben told Lee.
"We'll get your friend fixed in no time." Lee told Ben.
"I hope so." Ben said. Lee walked over to Kenny.

Lee's POV...
"Words getting out that you wanna leave the Motor Inn." Lee said to Kenny.
"That ain't no secret Lee. Probably our best bet." Kenny told him. "Listen, you been good to me and my family. You saved Duck from those monsters, and you stood up to Larry at the drugstore. I won't forget that. You, Y/n, and Clem should think about coming with us." Kenny added.
"The coast does sounds like a smart idea." Lee said.
"I know it is. I'm taking my family." Kenny sat down again.

Y/n's POV...
Lee walked back to us. "Here, Clem. You need something to eat." Lee gave Clementine a pack of cheese and crackers. "Okay, a sundae would be better next time." Clem said.
"I'll keep that in mind." Lee said to her smiling. I'm glad he took care of my sister. "Oh, and here you go, Duck." Lee gave Duck a pack of cheese and crackers too. "Yeah! Oh man, I'm so hungry." Duck said excitedly. He looked at me. "What about you, Y/n?" Lee asked me.
I looked at Clem and back at Lee after he offered me half an apple. "Actually, i think I'm good for now." I said to Lee.
"Y/n, please. Take it." Lee said.
"Look Lee, I'm just glad Clem got to eat. Keep it and I'll eat next time." I insisted. I was hungry, but i didn't care.
"Well, okay. If you really mean it. You're a good brother, Y/n." Lee said.
"Thanks." I smiled at Lee. He offered the apple to Carley and she took it. Before he did anything else, i stopped him. "Hey, wait!" I said to Lee. Him and I stepped aside. "So Clem told me about what Carley said, that you killed someone. It wasn't a walker?" I asked.
"No, but he was bad." Lee told me. I nodded. He then went to Kenny and offered him the piece of jerky. He then returned in front of the RV to Lilly. "Not such an easy job, is it?" Lilly asked him.
"I don't envy you. I don't know how you have the strength to do this." Lee said to her.
"I don't have a choice."

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