Episode 2 : The Meat Locker

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Y/n's POV...
"OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" Larry yelled as he was beating on the exit. After we found out that the St Johns were chopping up humans and we saw Mark fall down the stairs, they knocked out Lee, and then they dragged me, Clementine, Kenny, Lilly, Larry, and Lee in a meat locker behind their barn. Lee was still out. Kenny was trying to find another way out and Lilly was against a wall throwing up. Since I almost ate that disgusting human meat, i was vomiting a little too. Clementine was standing up watching in fear. I stopped vomiting and wiped my mouth. I stood up and looked around. Lee was finally waking up. "Lee!" Clem shouted. "It was a person. They tried to make us eat a person."
"But you didn't do it?"
"No, but Y/n did. Does that mean he's gonna turn into...?"
"No Clem, it doesn't work like that." Lee reassured us.
"Oh thank god!" I sighed in relief. I was terrified that since I almost ate some, I was gonna become a walker.
"If he would have stopped the rest of us in time...!" Larry yelled.
"C'mon Dad, now's not the time." Lilly said.
"Is there a way out?" Lee asked.
"Yeah. THROUGH THIS FUCKING DOOR!" Larry sweared again.
"If they touch my family I'll KILL those sons of bitches!" Kenny yelled.
"I'm scared." Clem said.
"What're we gonna do?" I asked.
"I'm gonna find us a way out of here." Lee said as he got on his feet. He started looking around. He looked at an AC Unit. "I'll break the damn door down!" Larry yelled again.
"Dad, you can't--"
Larry then started groaning and he grabbed his chest. He then fell to the ground. Lilly grabbed his head. "No! Dad, come on! DAD!" Lilly yelled. "Oh God, he's stopped breathing. I think he's had a heart attack." Lilly then started doing CPR by giving him chest compressions.
"Shit. Is he dead?" Kenny asked.
"He's not dead. Somebody help me!"
"Fuuuuuuck... If he's dead..."
"HE'S NOT DEAD!" Lilly protested.
"Clem, do you think he's really dead?" I asked her. Kenny told Lee that they have to keep him from coming back. "Lilly, I'm sorry. I truly, truly am. But in a few minutes, we're gonna be stuck in a locked room with a 6-foot-4, 300 pound, SERIOUSLY pissed off dead guy!"
"FUCK YOU. We can bring him back! LEE!"
"Maybe you're right..." Lee said.
"You NEVER liked my dad! Even at the drug store when we all thought Kenny's kid was bit, you went out of your way to side against him! But THIS? You have no right!" Lilly yelled at Lee.
"Lee, we know this guys not gonna make it. Remember what Ben said. Gotta destroy the brain."
"Goddamnit Lee, I NEED you! Please help me!" Lilly shouted. Lee looked at Lilly. I know it would be right for Lee to try to help, but Larry was terrible to Lee. Maybe he'll still help.
"You're right, Kenny. Lets get this over with." Lee said.
"You fucking monsters! Both of you!" Lilly cried.
"Clementine, close your eyes! Close your eyes, don't watch this!" I yelled. Clem came to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and closed my eyes. I heard Lilly's cries when Lee was I assume restraining her. I then heard Lilly cry, "NO!", followed by a sickening crunch. "God help us." Kenny said. Clem was crying in my arms. "Clem...its okay, sis. I think its over." I looked up and saw Larry's head was replaced with a salt lick. His jaw was still exposed, however. That made things more upsetting and serious. Lee came over and Clem faced him. I did too, but I had a slight glare. "Why?" I asked.
"Lilly said he wasn't dead!"
"But...I'm sorry, guys. We just couldn't take the risk." Lee told us. He was right. We don't know what would have happened. Lee hugged Clem. "We're gonna get out, right? You found a way out?" Clem asked.
"I'm working on it." Lee said. Lee then looked at me. "Y/n. I gotta ask you something." He said. We walked away from Clem for a second. "When Andy grabbed Clementine, you blew up on him. Said you would shoot him. Are you...okay?" Lee asked. I shook my head and I felt my eyes well up. "I was scared for my sister's life. I didn't know what to do, i felt useless, i was scared, I just--" I stopped myself because I couldn't think. Lee hugged me. "Thanks...I don't want to lose Clementine."
"Me either, Y/n. And we won't. For now, we're gonna get out of here." Lee told me. I nodded. I went back to Clem and sat next to her. "It'll be okay, Clementine." I said to her.
"There ought to be an air duct behind this unit. Maybe big enough for one of us to fit through." Lee said, looking at the AC unit again.
"I dunno, Lee, seems like a long shot." Kenny said.
"Does the air conditioner come of?" Clem asked. Lee checked his pockets to probably find a screwdriver. "Maybe theres something else we can use. I got a rock." Clem said.
"No a rock won't work. But a coin might do the trick. Do you have a coin?" Lee asked.
"Uh-uh." Clem shook her head.
"Me either." I said. Lee then looked at Larry's corpse. He went to Lilly and I guess he asked to check Larry for coins. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a few coins. He went back to the AC and took off the front. Kenny helped Lee pull it down. "Clementine can fit." Lee said. Clementine got up. I looked at her. "You can do it." I told her.
"I'm scared." Clem said.
"Its okay to be scared. You'll be okay." Kenny said. Lee helped her up and she crawled through. We heard her gasp. Then the door opened. "Are you okay? Did anyone see you?" Lee asked.
"No, but theres a man outside." Clem told us. Kenny and Lee left the meat locker. Me and Clem stayed behind with Lilly, even though i was fairly worried now. Because of what Lee and Kenny just did, i was worried she might side with the St John's against the rest of us.

Lee's POV...
Me and Kenny went in the backroom and he saw the bloody room. "I told you they were hiding something. Its a goddamn human slaughterhouse!" Kenny said. I grabbed a sickle. I then went to the door with Kenny. I looked out the door and saw Danny with his gun. "So whats the plan?" I asked Kenny.
"Dumb fucker is so caught up in his own rant, we can sneak right up on him. We get to the front, grab his gun." Kenny explained. "Ready?"
"Yeah. Lets go." I said. We snuck up on Danny. Andy came by and started talking to Danny. We went in a pen and hid from them. I checked and saw Danny set up a bear trap and was no where in sight. I closed it and told Kenny. "I don't see him anymore."
"Where the fuck did he go?" Kenny asked.
"I don't know!"
"Look again, he didn't go past us." Kenny told me. I opened it and saw Danny aiming the gun. I grabbed the barrel and the gun went off. I used the sickle to eviscerate Danny. He punched me to the ground and pulled the sickle out of his shoulder. Kenny jumped out, making the door hit Danny. Kenny used the sickle on his gut. He then kicked him into the bear trap. "Where's my family, asshole?" Kenny asked.
"You can't have them. We need the vet!" Danny groaned. We heard Katjaa scream. "KAT! Lee, come on!" Kenny said to me.
"Go. I won't be far behind." I said. Kenny ran outside. I grabbed a pitchfork and aimed it at Danny. "You see? You understand now, don't ya? You can have ME. Its how the world works now. Give part of yourself so others can live." Danny tried telling me.
"Cannibalism is NOT the answer! Aren't the walkers eating enough of us?" I yelled. I threw the pitchfork at Danny and it went past his head. "This is NOT how the world works now. You won't make me kill you!" I yelled. Lilly, Clementine, and Y/n came out. "Fuck you, Lee! You and Kenny MURDER my dad but keep this piece of shit alive." Lilly scolded. I heard Katjaa yell again. I ran outside to help Kenny get his family back.

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