Episode 3: The Train

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Clementine was with me and Lee came to sit down after talking to Katjaa. "Duck is bitten." Lee said. "He got bitten by a walker trying to escape the motel." He added.
"Oh god." I muttered loud enough for Lee and Clem to hear. Clem leaned against me. I put my arm around my sister. After a few minutes I heard Clem let out a quiet exhale. I looked at her and she was a walker. She jumped at me. "CLEM! CRAP!" I yelped. "What happened?! HOLY CRAP! Get off of me!" I yelled.

My eyes shot open and I saw Clem. I realized it was a dream. Clem was still alive and well, but asleep. "You okay, Y/n?" Lee asked me.
"Yeah. I'm alright. Just a bad dream." I told him.
"We got something up ahead." Kenny told us. Lee went up and saw what we was coming to. "Christ. Now we gotta deal with this."

We got out of the RV and saw a train. Lee stayed inside and grabbed a pencil for whatever reason. We all got out and sat on some logs. "What do you think, Clem?" I asked my sister. She looked at Duck. "I don't think Duck feels good." Clementine told me. I looked at him and saw him pretty much asleep in his mother's arms. "You're right. But if he's tired, his body's probably fighting the sickness." I told Clem. I saw Lee go to the train's boxcar and open the door. He went in to explore. After a few minutes, he came back out and gave Katjaa a water for and gave Kenny a map of the train routes. He returned to the train and went to the front. He heard the train's brakes go off, making me and Clem jump. Kenny got up and ran to it. Ben came back out and Lee and Kenny started working on starting the train. After a while, the train moved a little. I guess it was stuck. Lee came out and walked across the train. When he went to i guess detach the train, an elder man came out. "I saw your pal take some my stuff." He said. "He just took water and a train map." Katjaa said.
"I'm Chuck. I already met the guy in the cab. Y'all want some candy?" He asked. My eyes widened. "You have candy?" I asked.
"Yup." He pulled 3 boxes of candy out of his pocket. He handed them out to me, Clem, and Ben.
"Hey Kenny, we're loose!" Lee called. Chuck went back to the boxcar to see Lee. He and Lee exited after. "You met Chuck." Clem said to Lee. Kenny came out and checked the train. "Come on, everyone!" Kenny called. I guess we're getting on a train. Chuck climbed on, and Clem and I followed him. Ben and Katjaa holding Duck got on too. Lee and Kenny went to the front and started it. This morning is going a lot better than I thought it would.

A few hours later...
Lee's POV...
I was standing looking out the boxcar door with Chuck. The kids, Ben, and Katjaa were sitting down. "Gotta be hard on ya. 3 adults taking care of 4 kids. No disrespect, son." Chuck said as he looked at Ben. "There were more of us." I told him.
"Dead get 'em?"
"Ah. Living got 'em."
"Lee! Lee, i need you right now. I need you to go get Ken." Katjaa said. I looked over and I saw Duck cough up a little blood. I grabbed a rag and wiped his face. "He's out of time. We gotta stop the train." Katjaa told me.

I opened the train cab door to Kenny. "You need to stop the train." I told him. I pulled out the rag. "Kenny."
He saw the rag and saw the blood on it. "What the hell's that?" He asked.
"Your son's blood. I'm sorry, but he's going Kenny." I tried telling him. I knew he was in denial. "What is the goddamn deal? He's a little sick, but we can't just quit." He said. "It's a scratch, he's not like the others. Jesus, all y'all are just making it worse!" He added.
"Stop. The. Train." Kenny made the train go faster. "STOP IT GODDAMNIT."
"Fuck you, Lee."
"You're gonna listen." I said. He jumped out of the chair and faced me. "Or what?" He said with a little venom. I put my hands up a little. "Calm down and--"
"How the fuck do you, 'calm down' after a day like today?" He asked.
"By talking to a friend." I told him. He sat back down and turned back around. "You think you're the reason Duck was bitten. Like you had this coming or something?" I said. I could tell I was getting through to him. "You didn't kill Hershel's son!" I told him.
"Yes, I did. And now its catching up to me." Kenny put his face in his hands. "Ain't no way this world lets my son live after I helped put someone else's into the ground."
"That's not how it works. You looked out for your kid and something bad happened to someone else's." I told him. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Stop the train, man." I asked again. Kenny wanted to make an argument, but he knew he couldn't. He stopped the train.

We all got off the train. Kenny looked at Duck. "The boy's been bit incase you haven't figured it out." Kenny told the rest of the group. "What do we do?" I asked.
"We can't allow him to become one of those things." Katjaa told us. "We know its here, or nothing." Katjaa told Kenny as she pointed at her head.
"Fuck. Who, then? You want me to?" Kenny asked.
"No, you don't have to." Katjaa argued.
"I'll do it." I said. "No parent should have to do this."
"Lee's right. We can say our goodbyes and that can be it." Kenny said.
"Kenny, lets take him in the woods to say goodbye." Katjaa said. Katjaa picked up Duck, and Kenny and Katjaa walked into the woods.

Y/n's POV...
"What's going on?" I asked Lee. He came to me and Clementine. "Duck is dying." He told us.
"We know." Clem said. "What are you gonna do?" She asked Lee.
"I'm killing him." Lee said honestly. We then heard a gunshot from the woods, followed by Kenny yelling, "NOOOO!"
"Ben, get Clem and Y/n into the train! It'll be okay!" Lee said. He then ran off into the woods. We got on the train. "Hate to say it, but if Lee doesn't fix his act, you two might end up in Duck's place." Chuck told us. Soon we heard another gunshot. We knew Duck was dead now.

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