Episode 2: St John Dairy

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"Ken, Lee, come here please!" Katjaa called. Lee and Kenny went to her. I assumed she was gonna tell them that Ben's teacher didn't make it. Ben did too. I could tell by the look on his face. He sighed. "Hey, I'm sorry, man." I said to him, hoping it would help.
"It's fine." Ben said. We then heard Katjaa scream.
"The axe! Hurry!" Lee yelled to Mark and Larry. We got up and saw what was happening. The guy they brought with Ben had turned into a walker. Why would they bring him if he was bitten? Carley was looking for her pistol. Mark ran over and tried to kill it, but missed. Lee got it on the ground and started gouging its eyes out. Carley ran over with her pistol and shot it in the back of the head. "Thanks." Lee said.
"Why'd you bring him here in the first place, asshole?" Larry yelled. "You're gonna get us all KILLED!"
Mark gave Lee his axe back. "You said he wasn't bitten!" Kenny yelled at Ben. "Lee asked you point blank, 'was he bitten?' and you said NO!" Clem and Duck came around. "He wasn't!" Ben told him.
"Well you're not bitten friend here came back to life and tried to kill my wife!" Kenny yelled again.
"What? Wait, y'all don't know?" Ben asked. "Its not the bite that does it. You come back no matter how you die. If you don't destroy the brain thats just what happens. Its gonna happen to ALL of us." He added. My heart dropped. We're ALL infected. Ben started explaining how he first saw it. All I thought was that we were all infected.
"Back off!" Carley yelled. We all looked outside the gate and saw two men outside. "Woah! Lady, relax! Me and my brother, we-we just wanna see if y'all can help us out." One of them said.
"I said back off!"
"Carley." Lilly came and tried to ease Carley's defense.
"You're outnumbered here. Just turn around and walk back." Lee told them.
"Yeah of course, but we was hoping you could part with some extra gas before we leave."
"Why do you need gas?" Carley asked.
"Our place is protected by an electric fence, generators to provide electricity." The other man told us. "Maybe we can make a deal. How y'all doin' on food? We got plenty at the dairy." He added.
Some of our group started to change their minds- correction, I'm sure all of us changed our minds. Lilly told Lee and Mark to go check it out, and Carley and Ben volunteered to go with them. "You got a deal." Lee said to them. "We'll bring SOME gas to your dairy, and exchange, you give us some food to bring back. We'll see how it goes from there." Lee told them. They took the deal.

Lee's POV...
"Its nice to get away from that Motor Inn for a while. This Lilly/Kenny thing is really getting out of hand. Personally, I'd like to see you take charge." Carley told me.
"Me as a leader? I don't know." I said.
"Because of your past. Does anyone else know?"
"Yeah. Larry knows." I told her. That's why he hates my guts, because of my past. "Clementine knows. She was in the office when you talked to me about it. I couldn't lie to her. And Y/n...i think he knows, he and Clem talked about it and he asked me about it."
"I mean, thank God Lee showed up when he did." Mark said to the St Johns. Their names are Andrew, or Andy, and Danny St John. I stepped forward to try to interact with them. "Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself, Lee?" Andy said.
"Where ya from?" Danny asked.
"I grew up in Macon."
"Right here in the heart of Georgia." Andy said. "You guys seem pretty settled in at that Motor Inn. Who's running things over there?"
"Kenny." I told them, even though it seems like no one is because of the arguing.
"Yeah, don't let Lilly hear that." Mark said.
"How many people you got over there, anyway?" Danny questioned.
"Ten, including the kids."
"You forgot Ben." Carley added. "That makes it eleven."
"Well, we're certainly glad you're coming now. Mama's been running the dairy since...as long as I could remember. But now its just-"
"You think you're gonna cut me outta this?" We heard. Andy told us to get down and we saw two bandits arguing. "Those look like the guys that raided my camp." Ben told us. It sounded like they were arguing about food. "Don't worry guys, me and Dan will cover you if things go sideways." Andy said.
"FUCK YOU!" One of the bandits kicked the other in the stomach and shot him in the head. He kept shooting him and yelling, "Fuck you."
"Jesus!" Carley whispered. The bandit that was shooting left. "This whole world has gone to SHIT. Lets get to the dairy where its safe." Andy said.

We arrived at the St John's Dairy after a few more minutes. "Here it is. St John Family Dairy." Andy told us.
"Its beautiful." I said to them.
"This place looks untouched! You never know the rest of the world is in ruins." Carley added.
"Its worth protecting. Hence all the juice."
"I thought I saw y'all with company comin' down the drive." A woman said, coming out of the house. "Guys, this is our mama." Andy introduced us.
"I'm Brenda St John and welcome to the St John Dairy."
"This here's Lee. He's from Macon." Andy introduced me to Brenda. "They got a few more friends stayin' at the old motel." Danny told her.
"Oh, that place is pretty vulnerable. Have you got someone with survival skills to lead your group?"
"Kenny is working on getting us somewhere safer." I told them.
"Sounds like a smart man." Brenda said to us. "Now that y'all are here, we'll make sure you're safe and comfortable." She added.
"Thanks for having us. We're awful hungry." I told them again.
"These are for y'all. Baked fresh this morning." Brenda showed us the basket of biscuits she was carrying.
"Amazing!" Carley exclaimed.
"Can't get stuff like that anymore, not without a cow for milk and butter, thats for sure." Danny said, smiling.
"Thats right. Hopefully Maybelle will make it through this bout of whatever she's got and he with us for a good-long while." Brenda said. I guess the cow they got here is sick. "You're cow's sick? What's she--"
"We have a vet! We can bring her here. We can help you folks out!" Mark exclaimed, telling them about Katjaa. "Maybe our whole GROUP could come...for the day..."
"How about this, y'all go get your vet friend and I'll prepare some dinner."
"I'll go get everyone." Carley said.
"Might wanna bring someone with you. Those roads can be dangerous." Andy suggested, but Carley refused. "I can handle myself just fine."
"Take this." Mark said, giving her his gun. "Why don't you go ahead and bring Ben along anyway." He added.
"Be safe, Lee. Lets go, Ben." Carley and Ben started walking back to the Motor Inn.

Y/n's POV...
"They're back!" Lilly said. Me and Clem were playing with the soccer ball and we stopped when we saw Carley and Ben were back. "We got food too!" Carley told us, showing us the basket. They came in. "This place is locked down tight, you wouldn't believe it." Carley told us.
"They got that electric fence they mentioned?" Larry asked.
"Yeah. Its a good thing Lee took them up on that offer." Carley told them. She gave Kenny the basket and I immediately went for a biscuit. "Woah, Y/n!" Kenny said, surprised.
"Sorry, Kenny. I'm just really hungry." I said, since i turned down Lee's offer when he was handing out rations earlier.
"So we're all going back?" Lilly asked Carley.
"Since me and Ben ate a few in the way here, I think I'll stay here, at least until after dinner." Carley said.
"I'm gonna stay behind too. I haven't had the best luck with strangers recently." Ben said.

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