Episode 2: Showdown

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I went outside. Looks like a thunderstorm came by. I saw the house where Katjaa and Duck probably are, but I didn't see Kenny anywhere. "Kenny!" I called. I looked into the cornfield next to the barn and I saw a walker. It started walking toward me, but then I saw it fall backwards. "Carley!" I said. Carley and Ben came out of the cornfield. "Is everyone okay?" Carley asked. "We heard screams as we were coming up to the house!"
"They attacked us!" I told them. "There's two left."
"Where?" Carley asked.
"Larry's dead! They chopped off Mark's legs and tried to feed them to us!" I explained.
"Shit! Is everyone else okay?"
"They still got Duck and Katjaa in the house, and I don't know where the fuck Kenny is. Go around and see if theres a back exit. Do you have a weapon?"
"I don't leave home without it." Carley pulled the butt stock of the gun back and cocked it. "Ben, stay close. And Lee, be careful." She said. They started walking around the cornfield. I approached the house and heard Katjaa's screams. "Something's up. I'm gonna take the boy and check around back." Andy said.
"No, please don't take my boy!" Katjaa pleaded.
"Let go, woman!"
"Settle down! I don't wanna hurt y'all!" Brenda said. She approached the door and I think saw me. "Andy? Danny, is that you? What's going on out there?"
"I left Danny in the barn. He got what he deserved." I told her. She seemed frightened. Since it was obvious it was me, I stopped crouching and started walking normally. I approached the door and saw Brenda holding Katjaa at gunpoint. "You just had to go snooping around, didn't ya?" She asked.
"Let me go, Brenda!" I opened the door. "You know you don't wanna do this!" I started walking to Brenda, hoping she would let Katjaa go. She was at the stairs. "Stop right there, I mean it!" Brenda ordered as she pointed the gun at me. I stopped. "Think about what you're doing. It doesn't have to end like this!" I told her.
"I'll kill her, Lee." She said after a short pause. She started going up the stairs. I started walking closer to her. After a few more steps, she stopped me again. "Stay back! Don't do anything stupid!" Brenda said.
"What happened, Brenda? How did it come to this?" I asked.
"I'll do it!" She started going up more. She was now about halfway up. I came closer and she pointed the gun at me again. "I don't wanna kill you, Lee!"
"This dairy was your pride, now look at what you done to it." I told her. She paused and shook her head. "Stop! I mean it!" She said again. She started going up the stairs again. I got right in front of the stairs, and I heard Brenda screaming. I looked up and saw her getting eaten by walker Mark. Katjaa ran down the stairs. "They took Duck! Where's Kenny?" She asked.
"I said don't move, asshole!" Me and Katjaa heard, followed by, "Don't you fuckin' hurt him!"

We ran outside and saw Andy holding Duck at gunpoint, and Kenny was in front of him, and I could tell he was pissed. "Andy, don't-" I tried telling him not to shoot.
"SHUT UP!" He yelled. When the gun wasn't pointed at Duck, Kenny tried to make a run for it, but Andy shot him in the gut, making Kenny do down. Katjaa ran to Kenny. "DAAAD!" Duck cried. Katjaa made sure Kenny was okay as I faced Andy. "Andy."
"Who the fuck do you people think you are? Look at what you done!" Andy yelled.
"Calm down." I tried reasoning with him. "Calm down? What for? All we wanted was some goddamn gasoline!" He said. He got shot in the ear. I saw Carley. "Duck, go!" I said. Duck ran to Kenny and Katjaa and I ran to Andy. I pushed the gun into his jaw and we both fell. We rolled down the hill and broke the picket fence. Andy got up and kicked me. He turned on the generator and grabbed me. He dragged me over to it. I used all the strength I could to keep myself away from it, but Andy was able to almost shove my face into it.

Y/n's POV...
Me, Clementine, and Lilly went outside the barn, Lilly armed with the gun Danny had. "Lilly, help!" Lee yelled. Lilly looked at the gun and chose not to shoot. Of course she wouldn't. Lee head butted Andy and then started punching him in the face. Me, Clem, and Lilly grouped with Kenny, Duck, Katjaa, Carley, and Ben. We watched Lee beat Andy's face multiple times. Eventually, Carley went to tell Lee to stop. "Its over!" Lee yelled.
"Fuck you!" Andy said. "As soon as Dan and Mama get out here...you're all fucked!" Andy got up and we all got a better look. Lee pretty much ruined Andy's face. "Don't you DARE walk away from me, Lee!" Andy yelled. He fell to his knees. "Get back here and finish this, Lee!"
Lee kept walking to us. He spared Andy's life. The electric fence stopped working and the walkers started getting in. "They're getting in!" Clem said. We started leaving the dairy as Andy kept yelling Lee's name.

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