Episode 2: Abandoned Car

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Lee's POV...
We were in the forest again, on the way back to the Motor Inn. "Hey Lee. I'd say I'm sorry for leaving the motel unattended, but, you know." Carley said to me.
"Glad you showed up when you did. If you hadn't taken that shot at Andy, we might not have gotten out of there."
"Were they really killing people...for food?"
"Yeah. And Clementine almost ate some. But Y/n...ate some." I told her. "This fucking world now, Carley. Its hiding unspeakable shit at every turn."
Carley stopped me and gave me the camera. "Katjaa said this was with your stuff." I took the camera. "Do you want it?" I asked her.
"Why don't you keep it. Sometimes it helps to have something to document your thoughts on."
Kenny stopped with his family. "How are you doing?" Katjaa asked Kenny.
"I'll be fine...just not as young as I used to be." Kenny said. I went to talk to Kenny. "There's gonna be fallout." Kenny said.
"For killing Lilly's dad? Yeah. I imagine so."
"What do you think?" Kenny asked.
"I'm with you, Kenny. We do what has to be done." I told him.
"Hell yeah, we do." Kenny appreciated my loyalty. "Listen, that RV is almost up and running. When i get it working, I want you guys to come with us. You, Clem, and Y/n." Kenny added.
"Okay. Yeah." Clementine and Y/n came to me. "Stay close, guys." Lee said.
"Lee, are those bad people dead?" Clementine asked. I got to their level. "We didn't kill them, so I don't know. They might have escaped the walkers, but i don't think they'll be coming for us." I told them.
"Okay. Thanks, Lee." Y/n said.
"Hey Dad, whats that noise?" Duck asked Kenny. Kenny went to Duck and heard it too. "Sounds like a car."
Me and Kenny went around a few trees and we saw a car beeping. "Hello?" I yelled. We approached the car and saw it was empty. I took the keys.

Y/n's POV...
"Oh crap!" Kenny exclaimed. "Baby, you gotta see this! There's a shitload of food and supplies back here."
We all ran to the car and saw the trunk was full of boxes of food, water, and more supplies. "This food could save all of us!" Katjaa said.
"Not ALL of us." Lilly snarled.
"Look, we don't know if these people are dead." Ben said.
"If they come back, then we're just monsters that came out of the woods and ruined their lives." Lilly said.
"Dad, who's car is it?"
"It's abandoned Ducky, don't worry." Katjaa reassured.
"But what if its not?" Clem asked. "What if its not abandoned. What if it IS someones?" Clem asked.
Kenny and Clem both had a point. This could be someone else's, but we need this food. "I'm sorry Clem, but if this was someones, they probably would have already came back." I said.
"We have to take this, Clementine. We need it to survive." Lee told her. He went to the trunk and opened it. "Supplies." He grabbed a box and Katjaa took it. "More food in here." Lee grabbed the box and Lilly took it. He grabbed a smaller box and gave it to Duck. "Got a box of food here." Lee grabbed another box of food and gave it to Ben. He grabbed another box of supplies. "Do you wanna try to carry this?" Lee asked me. I grabbed the box. "I got it." I said. He then grabbed a hoodie and gave it to Clementine.
"Hey, there were some batteries in one of those boxes. You can have some too, for your walkie talkie." Carley gave some batteries to Clem and gave some to Lee for his camera. "Lee, check this out." Carley said to Lee.
"Lets get movin' y'all." Kenny said. As Lee and Carley watched the camera, we started moving back to the Motor Inn.

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