Episode 5: The Roof

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Lee opened the door and we were safe. We were on a roof. We looked over the edge of the roof and saw the sea of walkers. "Did they follow us here?" Ben asked.
"Seems like it." Kenny said.
"Probably because that train." I mentioned.
"Okay, we gotta get our asses off this roof." Christa said.
"I don't think we can ignore what just happened to Lee." Omid said.
"Don't treat me like dead weight. Plus, it was my least favorite hand anyway." Lee said. Its good to know Lee was able to be comedic during a moment like this.
"We gotta get off this roof and get to Clem." Kenny said. "Lets get our bearings."
We separated. I looked over the ledge with Kenny. Lee came to us. "See anything?" Lee asked.
"Just that fire exit. And theres a bell tower over there." I said.
"Looks like Crawford Square over there." Lee said.
"Fuck that place." Kenny cussed. "Did fix out boat, though."
Lee left us and grabbed a ladder that was on the ground. "You got it?" Kenny asked.
"Yeah." Lee said. He brought it to the edge of the building in front of the bell tower and it was perfectly long enough to reach the bell. "The bells."
"Yeah. We draw as many as we can this way, get down on the other end and bust our asses getting back to the mansion." Lee said.
"You sure you wanna go?" Kenny asked.
"My legs feeling better. Let me go." Omid volunteered.
"I'll do it." Ben stepped up.
"Yeah. Ben will do it." Kenny said.
"If we gotta make a choice like this, it should be the one that has the least to lose." Lee said, talking about himself. "Whats the worse that can happen? I get bitten again?"
No one objected. So Lee got on the ladder. "Why are we letting the one armed guy take all the high risk maneuvers?" Kenny asked.
"Because the one armed guy insists. Now shut up about it."
"That thing looks a little rickety." Kenny mentioned.
"Mind keeping that shit to yourself?" Lee suggested. He begun climbing and the ladder started going down. Lee quickly jumped to the bell tower and the ladder fell to the ground. "Holy shit, man!" Omid shrieked.
"Are you okay?" Christa asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Lee said. "Just wishing I had my other hand."
"Try to find another way out?" I told him. Lee grabbed the bell rope and started ringing the bell. Walkers started coming to the bell tower. "I think I have to jump! There's no way back!" Lee said.
"You can make it! It ain't that far!" Kenny said to Lee. Lee backed up and gave a good run and made an amazing leap and grabbed the hospital ledge.
King Kong ain't got shit on Lee!
"Good goddamn leap, pal." Kenny said.
"Now lets get outta here!" I said. We ran to the fire escape stairs.

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