Episode 4: Crawford

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We arrived under where Vernon said Crawford was through the sewer. "Okay, this is it. Remember the plan. We stay quiet, we stay hidden, and we stay together. Find what we need, and get the hell out before anyone knows we're there. Got it?" Lee told us. Everyone nodded their heads. "And that part about staying close? That goes double for you guys." He said to me and Clem. We climbed out of the sewer and we saw a guard. "Okay. Me and Kenny'll sneak up, try to take him out quiet. The rest of you wait for our signal then follow us over." Lee said. "Okay Kenny, lets do this quietly. No shooting unless there's no other choice."
"Right behind ya." Kenny said. Lee snuck up to the walker with a hatchet in hand. "What the FUCK?" We heard. Lee swiftly shoved the hatchet in the guard's head. He signaled we could come. We examined the guard and saw he was a...walker? "What the FUCK is a walker doing inside here?" Lee asked. We saw more walkers coming. We ran inside the main school, Lee and Kenny shutting the doors behind us.

We were running up the stairs a few levels, and we got to a floor and busted the doors open. "Fuck. Fuck! Do you think they saw us?" Kenny asked.
"I think we're good. For now at least." Lee said.
"Looks like Crawford was taken over by walkers." I said.
"Oh man, we are so screwed." Ben said, pacing back and forth.
"No. This is good." Vernon told us.
"Vernon's right. We can deal with walkers easier than armed guards." Lee agreed with Vernon.
"I agree. As long as we don't let them box us in, we can still do this. The plan hasn't changed." Kenny said.
"The plan hasn't changed? Every time walkers show up, the plan changes!" Ben said. "Do we even have any idea how many are out there?"
"Wanna do a headcount? Or do you wanna get what we need and get the hell out of here?" Christa asked. Brie guided us down a hall to a classroom. It looked like it was used as a command center. There was a map in this classroom. "Where do we go to get medicine?" Lee asked.
"Nurse's station. They were using it as a medical facility." Molly said.
"How do you know that?" Christa questioned. Molly was hesitant. "Just makes sense, doesn't it?"
"Where can we find some fuel for the boat?" Lee asked.
"There's a maintenance shed across from the playground here; if they were storing fuel, that's probably where it'll be." Brie pointed at the map.
"Then we need a battery. My guess would be the auto shop." Lee mentioned.
"Yep, its called Herman's. You can't miss it." Brie said.
They made a plan. Christa and Vernon after the medicine, Kenny and Brie after the fuel, and Molly and Lee after the battery. Ben was staying to try to open the door.
"What about us? What can we do?" Clem asked.
"I need you to stay here with Ben and watch over our command center. I'm putting you two in charge of it, okay?" Lee told us. I looked at Ben. "Lee, remember what happened this morning? You're really gonna leave us with Ben?" I asked.
"I'm not leaving you guys with Ben, I'm leaving Ben with you guys." He told us.
"Oh. Got it." Clem said. Lee left to go help Molly get the battery. Clem sat at a desk. I smiled seeing her at a school desk. "God, i miss school." I said. "It sounds weird, but I really do." I told Clem.
"I know. We live in this world now." Clem said.
"Hey Clem, since Lee used to be a history teacher, maybe we could come back here, take some stuff, and when we find a place to stay, we can set up." I said. "I'm sure Lee would be the cool teacher to not assign homework."
"Hopefully." Clem said.

After about 10-15-ish minutes, we had gotten bored. Clem started playing on a hopscotch mat and I was relaxing in the teacher's desk. Lee, Kenny, and Brie came back with the fuel. "You're back!" Clem said.
"Yeah. And we made out pretty good too." Kenny told us. They set the fuel down and Kenny went to help Ben with the door. Lee left again to probably go help with the medicine or the battery.

After a few more minutes, Christa and Vernon came back. "Where's Lee?" I asked.
"He stayed behind to watch a third tape he found. He'll be back soon, hopefully with Molly." Christa said.
"Ben, go find something to help bust this door open." Kenny told Ben. Ben nodded and he left. After a few minutes, we heard a yelling from down the hall. "Crap." I said. I looked around for Clem. Soon, Lee, Molly, Ben, and Clem came back. "What the fuck is going on?" Kenny asked.
"They're coming." Lee told him.
"Shit. Now we gotta get this damn door open." Kenny started ramming the door and kicking it.
"This is my fault, all my fault!" Ben panicked. "Kenny, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, man." He started.
"Kid, chill out! Whatever it is, save it for later!" Kenny told Ben, still ramming the door.
"Fine, tell him, goddamnit!" Lee yelled at Ben.
"Its been me putting us all in danger. Katjaa and Duck, it was all me." Ben said. Kenny kicked the door open. "It was me who made the deal with the bandits at the motor inn, slipping them supplies. I thought maybe i can keep them off our backs. When it got discovered, thats when they attacked. Thats when Duck..." Ben told Kenny. Thats why Ben seemed so slippery. He killed Kenny's family. Kenny came to that same conclusion and tried to attack Ben, but Lee and Vernon held him off. "Kenny, you should kick his ass! But nows not the time!" Lee told him.
"You little pissant, you're fucking dead! You hear me? DEAD! My wife and child! You got them both fucking killed!" Kenny shouted at Ben. He gave up on trying to attack him. "If this asshole thinks he's getting on my boat, after what he did, he's outta his motherfucking mind!" Kenny said.
"Kenny, we can't make these decisions ourselves. We're a group." Lee said.
"Sure! Take a vote! This is America, fuck it!" Kenny said.
"Well I say we leave him." Christa said.
"Wait, don't I get a vote?" Clem asked.
"Of course you do." Lee said.
"Ben's nice. He's my friend. You don't leave friends behind. Thats my vote." Clem said. I didn't vote, and Christa abstained. It was up to Lee.
"I've seen enough of Crawford to learn becoming like them is the beginning of the end. I vote Ben stays with us." Lee said.
"What about the rest of us? Don't we got a say in this-"
Brie was grabbed by a walker that busted through the door. The walkers came in and started to eat Brie. We turned and went out the armory door.

We were face to face with stairs in the school's bell tower. We started going down to find out the floor was filled with walkers. We all ran back up and Lee started shooting walkers to keep them off us. We got to the top, Lee following not long after. "I see the sewers where we came in. We can get down from here." Vernon told us. They made sure me and Clem were down first. Coming down the ladder last was Kenny, Lee, and Ben.

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