Episode 4: The Plan

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Me and Vernon got to the house. "Oh hey, you made it back." Molly said to me.
"Who's this?" Vernon asked.
"I'm the one who saved his ass at the river." Molly told Vernon. "Who's the fossil?" Molly asked me, loud enough that Vernon could hear.
"This is Vernon. He's a doctor." I told her as I returned her climbing hook to her. "Lee! Thank God you're back!" Christa said as she ran down stairs. "Its Omid. He's gotten worse." Christa told me.
"We have a man wounded." I told Vernon. "This is Vernon, he's a doctor."
"Oh thank god." Christa said. "You have to help us. Please."

Y/n's POV...
I saw Lee going upstairs with Christa and a new guy. "Lee!" I called. He turned to me. "Lee, where's Clementine? I haven't seen her since Kenny and Molly got back." I told him.
"Oh boy. I'll help find her later." Lee told me. I shook my head and felt sick. I ran outside to the backyard.

"Clementine? Clementine, where are you?!" I yelled. I started checking the backyard. I looked around every corner until I heard a banging on the vine blocked shed doors. "Crap." I said. I didn't have a gun. Lee came outside and saw me. "Lee, get ready just in case." I told him. I put my hands on the shed door. Lee ran to stop me, but I gave a firm pull and the doors busted open. It was Clementine. "Lee! Y/n!" Clementine exclaimed. I hugged my sister. "Hey, sis! Thank God you're okay!" I told her.
"Take a look what I found." She said. Lee opened the shed completely and we saw what we've been looking for. A boat. Kenny walked out and saw it. "Holy shit." Lee said.

Me and Clementine were upstairs. I snuck down a few of the stairs and heard them talking about some place called Crawford and going there to get some supplies for the boat and medicine for Vernon's people and for Omid. I went back upstairs and told Clem. "They're planning on breaking into Crawford, whatever that is, with that Vernon guy." I told Clem.
"Molly told me about it." Clem told me. Me and Clem waited there and we saw Lee. "Will it be dangerous?" I asked him.
"Will what be dangerous?"
"I can't lie to you, i just don't know." Lee told us.
"I don't want anyone else to die." Clementine said.
"It could happen." Lee told us.
I got up. "Well, lets go get ready." I said.
"What now?" Lee asked.
"Well, you're gonna need all our help, right?" I asked.
"Molly said Crawford is the only place left in Savannah that still has people. That means it must be where our parents are, right?" Clem asked.
"I don't think I'll find them in Crawford, guys." Lee told us. "Crawford is place with bad people. I don't think they'd stay in a place like that."
"How do you know they're good? You never met them." Clem mentioned.
"They raised you guys, didn't they?" Lee asked. That brought a smile to our faces, but out question remained. "Can't we come with you?" I asked him.
Lee was pretty hesitant. "Okay. You can come."
"Okay. Clem. Lets go get ready." I told my sister.

We were all outside. Lee and Kenny were discussing something while Molly was looking at the map, Christa was loading her gun, and Ben was looking in the shed. I liked Ben, but he's been kind of...slippery lately. Then the gate opened and Vernon was back. "Who the hells this?" Kenny asked him. Vernon was here with a girl with brown hair. "This is Brie. She can help us." Vernon told us.
"Great. The more, the better." Lee supported.
"I was a student at Crawford." Brie told us. We started walking, but Lee stopped everyone. "You two ready?" Lee asked us.
"Woah, hang on! You aren't really planning on bringing them with us, right? If we bring them in and they find them--"
Lee stopped Vernon. "These two aren't just excess baggage. They've helped us a lot before. They're both coming. Deal with it." Lee told him. Vernon looked at us. I just smiled and waved.
"You heard the man." Kenny said. We headed out.

Okay, so this was tough because Clem stays in a Crawford classroom the whole time, but them being at the house wouldn't make next chapter any more interesting. So, i went with this. Next chapter may just be a bit of a filler chapter.

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