Episode 1: Duck or Shawn?

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I walked around the house to the fence...at the moment it was just a few boards. "Hey, Y/n." Shawn said.
"Need a hand?" I asked.
"Yeah that'd be great. If you can cut those two-by's to length, that would sure speed things up.
I grabbed a two-by board and the saw. I started cutting it. "My dad doesn't know how bad it is." Shawn said.
"I know."
"I saw a guy in Atlanta kill a kid. Just shot him in the face."
"Man." I said as I cut through one.
"Didn't even hesitate. Just turned and shot the poor kid. Have you or Clementine had to kill any of them yet?"
"No, thankfully." I exhaled. "We did watch Lee bash a poor girl's brains in. That girl was mine and Clem's babysitter." I told him.
"Damn. Do you know anything about Lee?"
"Not much. I don't know where his family is. But mine and Clem's parents, they're in Savannah where the boats are."
I completely cut through another board.
"Thats probably enough. Thanks, Y/n." Shawn said.
"By the way, We're sorry about your friend."
"Yeah, thanks. Anyway, my dad might be in the barn." Shawn said. I looked and saw Lee go in there. I went back to the front of the house. Katjaa was inside, and Clem was outside. I sat on the hay bale with her. "Hey sis. Its peaceful here, isn't it?" I said.
"Yeah. We learned Lee was a history professor and got fired." Clem said.
"Man. Then this all happened. Now he's got us to take care of."

Lee's POV...
"How'd you get out of Atlanta?" Hershel asked me.
"I got a ride, and then I was in a wreck. I walked until your boy found me." I told him. "This farm's a nice plot of land."
"Heh. Had you told me 20 years ago, i still be doing this and i woulda told you that you're full of crap. Never was a plan. It was in the family. Family's important. Its all that matters. You believe that?"
"Was brought up to, yes." I said.
"Wheres your family now?"
"My parents and brother are in Macon."
"Well, i hope that they're all right." Hershel said. He stuck some hay off the pitchfork. "Now you got these kids to take care of. Clementine and Y/n? You just stumbled up on them?"
"I was being attacked and they came to my rescue."

Y/n's POV...
We heard a screaming noise and an engine. "Go! I'll get my gun!" Hershel yelled at Lee. We ran behind the house and saw Shawn's leg was stuck under the tractor. A dead person was trying to get him. Lee ran over and another dead person came to Shawn, and one went to Duck. Lee went to save Duck. He grabbed a board and slammed it against the dead person's head. Kenny came to get Duck.
"LEE! HELP ME! PLEASE!" Shawn yelled. The walkers broke through and started biting Shawn. Hershel came out and shot them. By then, it was too late. Shawn was dead. "Get out." Hershel said. He got up on his feet. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"
"I'm sorry." Kenny said.
"SORRY? Your son is alive. You don't get to be sorry." Hershel looked at Lee. "And YOU! You didn't even try to help." He said. Lee shook his head. "I thought I could help them both."
"You were wrong. And now..." Hershel looked at his son. "Just go. Get out, and never come back." Hershel said. Kenny looked at Lee, Clem, and I. "You got that ride to Macon if you want it." Kenny said to Lee. We all got in Kenny's truck. He started driving to where I would assume is Macon.

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