Episode 4: Sewers

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I climbed down in the sewers. As soon as I got down, a walker fell down. "Clementine! Can you hear me?" I yelled up the hole. "If you can hear me, just get back to the house, okay? I'll meet you there!" I looked around. "Well, shit." I said. I started walking through the sewer. I found a hole that led further down into the sewers. I walked down it, standing against the wall so I wouldn't slip. I got to the end of it and stepping on a dead sewer rat. "Ugh! Half eaten sewer rats. Walkers are down here." I said. "And what the hell is that smell?" I asked myself. I went around a few corners and saw some walkers. I then looked at a ladder. I thought it could be a way out, but there's no way I could take all those walkers. I went into a small passage way. I saw a pipe and turned it. It felt loose. I took it off and went out another passage way by prying it open with Molly's hook. I put it on another pipe and turned it. The walkers heard the water and started coming. I went back into the passage and waited them out. I left out the other passage way and saw Chuck with his guts ripped out. I guess he tried hiding out here. I grabbed his gun. It had no bullets. Guess he saved the last one for himself. I kept moving. I went to the walker blocking my way, but i got grabbed by one under a sewer gate in the ground. I used the hook to cut free and then used it to kill the walker coming to me. I walked up the stairs and made a jump to try to hook on the wall, but didn't make the jump because I hit a sign. "What the hell?" I grabbed the sign and it broke off. It lead to a nuclear fallout shelter.

I went into the nuclear fallout shelter. It was stocked with food and had beds. I went through a door into a place with people in it. A man with gray hair approached me pointing a gun at me. "Who are you?"
"Its all right. Its okay." I said. "I don't want any trouble." I tried calming things down.
"Neither do we. Which is why you'd do well to turn around and leave. R-Right now." He told me.
"You can't let him leave. He's from Crawford! If he goes back there and they find out we're down here.." A woman with brown hair said.
"Are you from Crawford? D-Don't lie to me. I'll know." He told me.
"I'm not from around here. I'm from Athens. I grew up in Macon." I told him.
"I have a brother in Macon. How is it? As bad as here?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry."
"You can't trust him, Vernon. You can't let him leave." The brown haired woman told him again. "That'd be more of a mercy than anyone from Crawford ever showed up. Think Vernon. What do you think they'll do if they find out we're down here, right under their feet."
"Dammit, you're right. I'm sorry, friend. Can't take the risk." He told me.
I tried reasoning with him. "I'm not from here. I saw what they did. It made me sick. But I'm not like that. And i don't think you are, either. I think you're a good man." I lowered my hands a little and took a few steps. "Keep back, or I swear I'll shoot." He threatened me. I slowly reached forward to get the gun. "Its all right. Its okay." I calmly grabbed the gun. "Vernon, what are you doing?" The woman asked. I took the gun out of his hands. "Vernon!" She jumped in front of him. I put the gun in my back pocket. "Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you." I told them. Everyone seemed to relax. "You're really not from Crawford?"
"No, I'm really not." I told them.
"Well, we are. Or were." Vernon told me. "We got out of there when they started weeding out the sick and the old."
"You don't look that old. So you're sick?" I asked.
"Were sick. We're part of a cancer survivors group. We managed to hide out down here after they wrangled up five of our group." I looked around the place. "What is this? A morgue?" I asked Vernon.
"Yeah. Irony is always high on my list when I'm looking for a place to survive. How'd you get stuck down here?" He asked.
"Walkers. They boxed us in and i had to hide out down here. Now I'm trying to get back to my group."
"That sewer system you came through runs all over the city. It'll take you wherever you want to go."
"Vernon, you ain't planning on letting him go back alone, are you?" One of them asked.
"Those sewers are like a damn maze. Any chance you could help me find my way back?" I asked Vernon.
"Look, i'd like to help you, but we've all got our own problems. Two of us are sick and I'm the only doctor here."
"Besides, why should we help you?" The brown haired woman asked with some venom.
"Look, i know i frightened you, and I'm sorry." I started. "I just wanna get back to my people, and back to Clementine and Y/n."
"They're your children?" Vernon asked.
"No. They lost their real parents, and I'm trying to protect them." I told him.
"Its all right, Brie." Vernon said. "I had a daughter and lost her in the first few days this happened. I'll take you back." Vernon said. He said his farewell to his people and we left the morgue.

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