Episode 1: Meeting Lee

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After a while, I heard the beeping we've been hearing stop. After a few more minutes, i thought I had heard Mom's voice on a recording. "Daddy?" Clem said into it. I freaked out. "Hello?" We heard from it. "You need to be quiet." Clem told him.
"Who is this?" The man asked.
"I'm Clementine. This is our house. I'm with my brother, Y/n." Clementine told him.
"Hi, Clementine and Y/n. I'm Lee." He said.
"You're not our dad." I said.
"How old are you two?" Lee asked me.
"She's 8. I'm 13." I said.
"And you're all alone?"
"Yes. We don't know where anybody is." Clem said to Lee. "How old are you?"
"I'm uhh, 37." Lee told us. "Where are your parents?"
"They took a trip and left us with Sandra. They're in Savannah, I think. Where the boats are." Clem told him.
"I know I'm 13. They knew I had a great bond with Sandra." I added.
"Are you two safe?" Lee asked us.
"We're outside in our treehouse. They can't get it." Clem told us. I opened the treehouse window. "Can you see us? We can see you through the window."
"Thats smart." Lee waved at us. We saw a dead person sneak up on Lee. Clem screamed and I closed the door. "We gotta help him!" I told her.
"How? How do we help him?" Clem asked me. I looked around the treehouse and I saw a hammer. "Grab the hammer." I told her. She grabbed it. I let the ladder down and we climbed down. We saw Lee throw the girl across the room. He was backing up against the glass door. Clem ran up behind Lee. "Here!" She said. Lee grabbed the hammer. He hit the dead girl off of him and on the floor. He then started bashing its brains in with the hammer. The last one, he almost pulled her eye out. The dead girl bled out. "Man...hi there." He said. Clem stepped back as the blood ran across the carpet. "Did you kill it?" Clem asked.
"Yes." Lee said.
"Its okay, Clem. I think she was a monster." I told my sister. Lee crouched down. "You two have been all by yourself through this?" Lee asked us.
"Yeah. I want our parents to come home now." Clementine said.
"I think that might be a little while, you know." Lee said to us. "Look, I don't know what happened, but I'll protect you guys for now."
"What should we do now?" Clem asked.
"We need to get out of this neighborhood, it's not safe. We're less likely to be detected if we move at night." Lee suggested.
"What if our parents come home?" I asked him.
"We won't go far. We'll go somewhere close, and come back here with others."
"We can hide in the treehouse for now."
"It'll be a tough climb with this leg, but thats a good idea."

Lee climbed down the ladder after me and Clem did. "Now lets stay quiet. We'll go out the front yard and follow the road out of the neighborhood." Lee said to us.
"Ok." Clem's voice was shaky.
"Lets stay near Lee. It'll be okay." I told her. The three of us walked through the gate. We was walking behind Lee, until someone shot at him. "I found the bastard!" We heard. We all crouched down and went behind a car. It was a police officer. "Are we going to die?" Clem asked.
"No. I'm sure we're fine." Lee said. He looked over the hood of the car. "Stay down! Georgia State Patrol!" The trooper yelled.
"We're friendly! There's kids here!" Lee yelled as he stood up and put his hands up. "Stand up, put your hands up." Lee told us. We got up and held our hands up. The officer and another younger looking male walked closer to us. "Oh shit, you're not one of those things!" The trooper said.
"None of us are." Lee said. We put our hands down. "We're sorry. Well, Andre's sorry." The guy said. "I'm Shawn. Shawn Greene. This is Andre."
"Officer Mitchell." The trooper said.
"Did you see any of those things? One just got our buddy, Chet."
"I saw a bunch in the woods, but that was a while ago." Lee told them.
"Oh, looks like you really hurt your leg. We can take you and your kids to my dad's farm, and he can patch your leg up."
"I'm not their dad, I'm..." Lee paused. We knew he was someone that just jumped over our fence. "...just some guy." Lee said.
"Some guy? They're alone?" Shawn asked. I nodded. "Well whoever you are, lets get a move on." Officer Mitchell said.
"We just want--"
A dead guy walked around the corner of a house. "Oh shit! Its...CHET!" Shawn said.
"Lets go! Get in my car! GO!" Officer Mitchell said. We all ran to his car. He followed after because he didn't want to shoot Chet. He got in and started it. He hit the gas and drove off, almost hitting Chet. We started to calm down in the police car. "We're doing okay so far." I said to Clementine.
I decided to debut this story in the first two chapters. I actually have Episode 1: A New Day fully wrote out already. I plan on publishing a new chapter of this book every Wednesday.

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