Episode 1: Welcome Home

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Kenny's truck stopped. He looked and saw it was out of gas. "Well, this is as far as we're going."
"Then its far enough." Lee said. We all got out of the truck and walked in front of a drugstore. Duck noticed someone. "Look!"
We all saw a person on the ground. Kenny tried to flag them to get their attention. "Hey there. You friendly? Trucks outta gas."
The person turned and growled at us. It was a dead guy. "FUCK!" Kenny yelled. A lot of the dead guys came to us and surrounded us. One of them got to Duck. Duck was able to hold it off until it got shot. We saw a lady with a gun shooting walkers to clear us a path. "Run!" Another person yelled. We ran inside the drugstore. The guy in a hat stayed outside to lock the drugstore gate.

"We can't take risks like this!"
"And we can't just let people die!"
"When I say, 'that door stays shut no matter what' I fucking MEAN it! We don't know who these people are; they could be dangerous."
The argument was spiraling out of hand on why they let us in. Clem yanked on my hand. "What's up?"
"I have to pee." Clem said. "In a minute, Clem."
"They got kids, Lilly!" The guy with the lock said.
"Those things outside don't care." The woman responded, who I assumed was Lilly.
"Maybe you should to join them, then. You'll have something in common." Kenny clapped back.
"Goddamnit, Lilly. You gave to control these people." An older person said.
"Carley and Glenn just ran out there." Lilly yelled.
"She's an asshole, thats for sure." Lee said.
"Thats what it takes." Lilly spat. Lee looked her in the eye. "Well you don't have to be a bitch about it!"
The old guy looked at Duck. "Ho-ly SHIT. Son of a bitch, one of them's bitten!" He said.
"He wasn't bitten!" Lee said to him.
"Hell he wasn't!"
"No, he wasn't. He fought the dead guy off until the woman with a gun, its Carley, right? He fought until she shot it." I intruded.
"Y/n, stay out of it, okay?" Lee said. The older guy went to Duck, but Kenny stopped him. "Lee, what do we do about this guy?" Kenny asked Lee.
"We kick his ass!"
"Thats what I'm thinking!"
"Everyone, CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" Carley yelled.
"Shut the fuck up! They will find us, and they will get in here, and none of this will fucking matter. But right now, we're about to be TRAPPED in here with one of those things!"
"Sit down! Or that IT." Lee yelled.
"You're gonna whoop me? You and what homo parade?" The old guy asked. Kenny pointed at himself. "This one."
"Heh, thats good. Little boy, before you eat your mommy, you're gonna watch your dad get his nose broken."
"I'm gonna kill him, KAT! Just worry about Duck."
"Y/n!" Clem called for me.
"There's someone in there!"
"Its just locked. Keys behind the counter. Probably." Lee said.
"He's covered in muck. She'll find a bite, watch!" The guy said to Kenny.
"She won't!"
"And if she DOES? First thing he'll do is sink his teeth into his mom's face. Then, when she's dead, he'll probably pounce on your little girl. She'll turn fast. Then, there'll be three."
"Deal with it then, but right now you're freaking everybody out!" Lee said.
"It's not gonna happen." Kenny told the old man. He got in Kenny's face. "It is, and we're tossing him out NOW!!!"
"No!" Lee said. "You don't touch that boy! You don't touch anyone! I've got some kids I'm trying to protect here, too. You wanna get violent, you old fuck? Well COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me, because it's ME before anyone else in here!" Lee yelled at him.
"God dang, Lee!" I said. We heard Clementine scream. A dead person came out of the bathroom. "Clementine!" Me and Lee yelled. Lee and I ran to her. Lee fell, but i got to her and pushed the walker. "LEE!" I yelled. Lee got up and grabbed the walker and pulled it away from me and Clem. Carley shot the walker off of Lee. "You okay?" Carley asked him as she lowered her gun.
"Yeah, thanks."
The dead started banging on the walls of the drugstore. Everyone got down. "They're gonna get in." The old guy whispered
"SHUT UP." Kenny demanded. We heard gun firing outside. "Is that the military?" Lee asked.
"Thank God for whatever it is." Glenn said.
"We almost died because of this bitch and her itchy trigger finger. That was stupid! That was --" The old guy started groaning. The other girl ran to him.
"Was HE the one bitten?" Lee asked.
"No! Its his heart!" She said.
"My pills."
"Nitroglycerin pills?" Katjaa asked.
"Yes. We're out! We've been trying to get into the pharmacy since we got here."
"There might be an entrance through the office." Lee suggested.
"Everyone else outta get comfy and find anything useful. We could be here a while." Kenny said.
"I agree. We're gonna need as much gas so we can all get out of downtown Macon, fast. There's a Motor Inn not far from here. I'll go and get gas." Glenn said.
"And you, whats your name?" Kenny asked the woman with the older man.
"Its Lilly. My dad's Larry."
"Keep an eye on him. These guys will work on getting you your meds." Kenny said. He faced the guy at the front door. "And you keep an eye in that door. You're our lookout."
"Its Doug. You got it."
"And I'm Carley." Carley said.
"Okay Carley. You shift in with Doug when he needs it. For now, get some rest."
"You got it, boss."
"Now lets get him those pills." Kenny told Lee.

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