Episode 4: The Boy in the Attic

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We entered the house. Omid was sat on the couch and Clem sat next to him. I went to Lee, Kenny, and Christa. "So, are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" I asked.
"What now?" Lee asked.
"The walkie talkie! How is it working? Clem said it was broken. Were you gonna tell us?" I asked Lee.
"I was, me and Kenny just found out yesterday." Lee told us.
"Who gives a shit about the damn radio? I'm more worried about whoever was ringing them bells." Kenny mentioned. I shook my head and went to sit with Clem. After a while, Kenny and Ben went upstairs and Christa came to us. Lee checked the house. He got to a certain door and yelled..."Jesus!"
We all looked at Lee. "What happened?"
"Nothing. Just...nothing." Lee came to us. "I was about to ask Clem if she knows who the man on the radio is. Its okay, you can tell us." Christa said to Clem.
"Clem, its okay. You're not in trouble." Lee told her. "We just wanna know who it is."
"Its just a friend. He wants to help find mine and Y/n's parents." Clem said.
"Clem, there's no way this guy knows our parents." I tried telling her.
"LEE!" Ben yelled from upstairs.

Lee's POV...
I ran to the stairs. "Lee! You need to come up here now! Its Kenny!" Ben told me. I went upstairs and went into the attic.

"Kenny?" I asked. I walked to him and saw a walker boy. "Oh my god..." I groaned. The walker boy was really skinny, skin and bones. "Kind of looks like Duck, don't he?" Kenny asked. "I don't know if I can, Lee. Couldn't do it before, can't do it now."
"I'll do it, Kenny." I told him. I went to the walker boy and looked at him. "I'm sorry." I pulled out my monkey wrench and whacked it in the face, killing it in one hit.

First of all, shooting this skinny little walker boy would be a waste of ammo. Its kind of dark, but its true.

I picked the boy up. "We should bury him." Kenny said.

I went outside to that dead dog's grave and put the boy in. I started shoveling dirt into it. After a few shovels, i noticed a figure behind the gate. "Hey! Hey!" I yelled. "You come back here, I'll kill you! You understand? I'll kill you!!!" I shouted.
"Lee? Whats going on?" Christa asked. I noticed her and Ben were behind me. "There was someone behind the gate, watching us." I told then as I turned around.
"Walker?" Ben asked.
"No, shot off like a bat out of hell as soon as I saw him."
Kenny came out. "Whats the ruckus?" He asked.
"Lee saw someone." Christa asked.
"What? Who?"
"Don't know." I told Kenny.
"Alright, that's it. We're going down to River Street to find a boat and get out of here." Kenny said.
"I'll go with you." I told him.

Y/n's POV...
Me and Clementine saw Lee and Kenny leaving. I went to Ben. "Hey, where did Ken and Lee go?" I asked. Clem came up behind me. "They left. They're going to River Street find a boat." Ben said.

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