A whole lot of history

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With the break up he took it to a whole different level. Since Oxford wasn't much of a party school the other colleges nearby hosted them often and he was always present. Drinking only on the weekends turned to everyday. So much so that it was affecting his performance in school.

He was even on the verge of getting expelled. When his father was told by his old alumni friend, and Dean of the Saïd Business School which was Oxfords Business college branch, he was furious.

He drove to Liams on campus flat and gave him an earful. They came to an agreement that during the summer break instead of Liam traveling, and not working, he'd intern back home at the agency.

This was both a blessing and a curse since Geoff could keep a close eye on him and Though it made Liam clean up his act to a certain extent he saw it as an opportunity to get over Danielle. Luckily during school year Liam kept up his grades after their argument, however, that summer was one Geoff would never let him live down.

He started at the agency as a new intern. Even though he had been raised around the company he hadn't worked a day in his life. The only thing remotely close to a work mentality he knew was being an athlete.

Here he learned the basics of the company from the ground up. From the receptionist on the bottom floor and everything in-between, to his own fathers position. It was also here that he learned how to sneak under his fathers radar when it came to talking to the models, and even some coworkers.

During this phase of his life he stumbled into a random low-key bar once and just so happened to meet one of his really good friends now, Louis.

They instantly hit it off when Liam came in demanding a drink and Louis snapped back at him telling him to wait. He was always a sort of reality check for him.

One night Liam was involved in an accident. He knew he shouldn't have driven but he got the best of himself. Luckily no one was hurt and he only suffered a few minor cuts and bruises. It was a terrifying experience for him so he stopped drinking.

Louis would occasionally check on Liam when he would go back to Oxford for the year. Just making sure he was doing good with his sobriety.

For Geoff he tolerated it because he knew how rough he was on his son. He just wanted what he thought was best for him. It only started out as a joke between Trisha and him. "What if our families combined to create an empire." Was said by Trisha one day at a casual lunch. Geoff sat on the idea then when Liam started acting out it wasn't until then he started wondering if that's what was best.

He and Trisha would talk about it often and would bring it up to Yaser but he hated the idea. When the incident happened with Zayn it was then that Yaser came to him and wanted to discuss it as an option.

There was some pull from both ends because Geoff wanted it done as soon as Liam was out of college meaning Zayn would just be turning 18. Yaser was against it and was the one who suggested to give Liam some time. So Geoff did.

Come his final year of university Liam planned on graduating then moving to New York to take a few years to himself. His father didn't find out until right before Liam was set to leave and he forbid it. He sold the apartment Liam bought. Since Liam mostly lived off him, he had to deal with it so he stayed and started working full time for the company.

Geoff wanted so badly to pull out the contract and present it to Liam but Yaser was the one who still pulled for more time. He had a big heart and everything Liam went through with Geoff reminded him of how his father was with him. Geoff agreed but said when he felt like Liam wasn't shaping up then that was it.

When he started full time he was surprised seeing Zayn more frequently but he forgot he recently graduated and was starting at London Metropolitan.

Even though the tabloids couldn't call him out for his excessive drinking anymore, they found other things like his new flings. He was a "tool" as Harry would now call him.

Of course all models at the agency talked so when one found out about the other seeing Liam it caused cat fights. It was like private school all over again and Zayn hated it. Some of his closest friends would get their heart broken being so infatuated with him.

Geoff held out as long as he could and he finally had enough. He pulled Yaser and Trisha aside months prior to the announcement. Yaser still wanted to give them some time but Trisha and Geoff proclaimed Zayn was graduating soon so what better time than now. To his dismay he knew it would come sooner or later so he caved.

Now here Zayn and Liam were, both so confused at everything they were feeling. It's like the opposite happened. Zayn was putting up his walls then Liam let his down.

He's not proud of his past but he can't change it. For a split second he thought maybe he could shape it moving forward and finally take control of his life with all this craziness going on with Zayn. He thought wrong though. He never should've cared but it was like he couldn't help it.

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