Christmas Eve approached and Zayn stood in his closet contemplating what to wear. Zayn dressed more casual in a green sweater paired with nice fitted jeans, black combat boots, and his coat over.

With a glance in his mirror Zayn smoothed out the wrinkle on his top. He started thinking of back out and not going. The feeling of the uncertainty between him an Liam loomed over his head. He'd done a good job at avoiding it the past week but here he was minutes away from being with not just Liam but also their families.

As far as he knew the only people who knew about the arrangement we're his mom, dad, Geoff and maybe Karen. Frowning he looked back up from the wrinkle and walked out the door.

Liam on the other hand too had been questioning himself. Ever since that day him and Zayn haven't spoken let alone even texted. He didn't know why but he kept getting the urge to check in on the model.

Usually if Christmas was held at his parents place there would be a dress code, but since it was at the Maliks he was so thankful. He wore a black hoodie with joggers. After loading up all the presents he drove to the house.

He pulled up to the familiar home growing nervous seeing Zayns vehicle. He knew it was only a matter of time before they saw each other.

Getting the gifts together he walked up to the door. Hearing all the commotion inside he sighed then entered. As he made his way to the living room where all the chatter came from he was nearly tackled by his nephew Ashton, his sister Ruth's son.

"Uncle li!! You have presents for me?!" The five year old hugged his leg.

"Well hey ash! I do but you didn't even say hi to me!" He bent down to his level crossing his arms fake pouting.

"Sorry but it's Christmas!" He hugged his uncle giggling at his stubbled face.

"I know I know! Of course I brought presents but you have to wait till later! You know everyone opens theirs at midnight bud." He told the boy

"That's so faaaaar though." He frowned,

"It's okay bud. It'll come before you know it! Let's go." He ruffled his hair and stood up.

Entering the living room he was met with his family along with Zayns parents, and sisters. He also noticed Harry then his mom Anne, and Gemma accompanied by her long time boyfriend Michal. There's was lots of other close friends and distant family members from both sides in attendance too.

He greeted everyone and set his gifts down. He hadn't seen Zayn yet though. As if on queue the model emerged from the kitchen. Out of nowhere he felt a sense of comfort wash over him. With seeing him a sense of calmness washed over his nervous feelings. They captured each other's gaze and Suddenly realizing the feeling he cleared his head with a shake. And Zayn walked away. What was that about? He thought.

Liam was summoned over to his sister, Nicola, sitting on the couch with his now 2 year old niece Ffion,

When Zayn arrived he caught up with his sisters since he hardly saw Doniya. Waliyha and Safaa were on break from boarding school so naturally they had tons to talk about. As for his parents well things stayed the same. They greeted each other but after didn't utter a word.

When he entered the living room locking eyes with Liam he couldn't help but stare. Liams puppy dog eyes looked like they lit up when he saw him. It couldn't be though. Maybe I'm imagining it. Zayn thought.

He was also thankful that Harry's mother and his hit it off when they Became friends. Now they attended which meant Harry being there.

Zayn noticed the way Liam was with his niece and nephew and it made hik melt inside. Pushing the feelings deep down he continued on with the other occasion.

Liam saw Yaser get up and leave to the hall where his office was located. To his luck everyone was distracted enough to where he could slip out the room. He then made his way down the hall to Yasers personal library, and office.

Zayn was talking with Harry when over his friends shoulder he saw Liam go down a hall he knew didn't have a restroom. Intrigued he kept paying attention and soon Liam turned to his dads office. Part of Zayns mind screamed to go and snoop where as the other side told him to leave it be.

He finished up his chat with Harry then discreetly made his was down the same hall cautious of not alerting anyone. What is Liam doing in here. He pressed his ear up against the now closed door cafreful to not make a sound.

Mostly it was mumbled but then a clear "I just want to tell you my thoughts about the contract." His father said and Zayn about jumped out of his skin.

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