Chapter 104

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I gently set Teddy beside me on the bed and curled up beside him. "Hi baby," I whispered softly touching his cheek. He snatched my finger squeezing it and smiling. I laughed immediately pulling away I then waved it above his hand again laughing louder as he tried to snatch it.

I continued laughing until my stomach started hurting and then I felt my cheek and it was wet. I wasn't laughing I was now sobbing. I wrapped my arms tightly around Teddy burying my face into his tiny body.

"I'm sorry Teddy," I managed to whisper in between sobs. "Clara?" I felt Draco press his chest to my back tightly wrapping his arms around me.

"How am I supposed to say goodbye to them Draco?" I felt him sigh, "I don't know, but we're all going to be there right by your side."

I eventually cried myself into exhaustion and fell asleep, when I woke up I saw Teddy had been placed back in his crib and Draco was asleep.

I quietly climbed out of the bed and climbed into the shower.

I had to use the wall for support and tipped my head back letting the water fall down my body. I massaged shampoo into my hair and sighed as it washed into the drain. My stomach felt like it was doing flips I hadn't even prepared a speech.

"Clara you good in there?" Draco called out. I pulled the curtain back climbing out, "pass me a towel." He threw a brown towel at me but then pulled it back, "have I told you how beautiful you are?" I tried to hide my smile, "not anywhere as beautiful as you. At least your stomach isn't all stretched out." He laughed, "Clara, you are still one of the smallest girls I know." I rolled my eyes, "go get in the shower."

I pulled over a black dress it cut low but it wasn't too tight in the stomach which I needed right now. There was still no sound from Teddy or Raya's rooms so I let myself put on some light makeup and hooked a necklace that Fred had given me years back around my neck.

When I walked into the hallway I noticed the babies doors were open and they weren't in their cribs.

I could smell bacon cooking in the kitchen and walked down to find Blaise holding Raya and Pansy with Teddy on her hip flipping eggs.

"Morning," Pansy smiled studying me hard, I nodded down at the food, "thank you." Blaise stood up passing Raya over to me, "we gave Teddy his bottle, but I think she's getting hungry."

I smiled happily at Raya, "hello sweetheart." I cradled her in my arms leaning over to plant a small kiss on Teddys forehead.

"Blaise and I will stay here with the kids if that's what you want. I don't think Blaise and I are wanted." I bit my lip, "that's nice of you, but Teddy should be there. Stay with Raya?" She smiled, "of course." I inhaled sharply checking the time, "Draco let's go." I called.

"You alright?" Pansy whispered. I slowly nodded, "fine." She pulled Raya from me, "I'll give her a bottle, sit down."

I firmly grabbed the edge of my seat pulling it out placing my head in my hands. trying to let it go unnoticed how terrified I was.

I turned my head when I finally heard Draco walking down the stairs. He didn't say anything instead he held out his hand helping me stand up.

He effortless held Teddy in one arm and me in the other. I gently set my head on his shoulder allowing Draco to walk us out the front door.

I bit my lip as he apparated us to the Weasley home. The lawn was all spread out with folding chairs and flowers. Draco handed me Teddy and placed a small kiss on the top of my head. "I'm going to sit back here," he pointed at the very last row.

I slowly nodded, staring up at the sky it was a dark grey, there was no rain yet but there surely would be.

"Clara," I gave Harry and Ron the best smile I could while handing Teddy off to Harry. I watched Harry cradle the baby in his arms, slowly making his way to the front chairs. "Hi Ron." I whispered stepping forward as he threw his arms around me. "I'm sorry, he's your brother I should've checked on you." Ron placed his hand on the back of my head holding me close, "I'm sorry too Clara."

I let him hold onto me for at least another minute and was immediately pulled into another hug by George. "Alright you three, head up to the front." A worn out sad looking Molly was ushering us to our seats.

I felt eyes trail the group of us and I quickly found my seat between Harry and George.

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