Chapter 98

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"Hey," I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. Slowly I opened my eyes realizing my head was on someone's shoulders. "Draco," I whispered pushing myself up. I let out a small painful cry. "Don't move. They had to do surgery to help get the baby out."

"Where's my baby?" I whispered looking around the room. There were so many people here. Ron was sitting with Hermione in his lap. Ginny and Harry were holding hands. George pushed his self into the back corner. I saw Molly and Arthur sitting with their oldest two sons, Bill and Charlie.

Lucious and Narcissa were also away in a corner. Pansy was beside my bed and Draco was beside me in the bed holding onto me. "She's sleeping." Draco answered squeezing my hand. "It's a she?" Pansy quietly stood up scooping the girl up. "Any name ideas?" I asked as the girl was placed into my arms. "Hi sweetheart," I whispered gently touching her cheek. "You almost died having this baby, the name is all you," Draco smiled letting her wrap her tiny hand around his finger.

"Andrea. But we'll call her Raya." I told Draco. Pansy smiled, "moms middle name?" I nodded handing Raya to Draco. "Teddy?" I quietly asked looking for my other baby.

Molly stood up and I noticed the boy in her arms. "Hi baby." I smiled. "I'm your sister, but also your mum. It's confusing I know." Almost everyone let out a small laugh breaking the tension.

"I only have one bedroom set up Teddy," I whispered. "But I'm going to make you a really cool room too."

I looked up at Harry, "hey." He stood up standing beside my bed, "did the stone work?" I slowly nodded, "Ginny, Harry, meet your godson." Ginny smiled standing up and looking down at the baby. "You're going to be a great mother," she whispered. I let her hold Teddy and then I rested my head back on Draco's shoulder looking down at our daughter. "George. Hermione. Meet your goddaughter." Draco smiled meaning he approved of this decision.

George quietly stepped forward looking down at Raya. "A little partner in crime," he whispered grabbing her hand. I looked over at Teddy and smiled, "I think Teddy is going to be your little crime partner. Raya is going to well behaved just like her mum." My friends all let out a small laugh, and Harry looked down at Teddy, "you got one crazy strong girl for a mother. I'll be sure to tell them all about you as they grow up."

I sighed, "you wouldn't even know where to start."

Both of the babies had fallen asleep, Draco's parents had left so had Molly and Arthur. "I feel disgusting." I whispered to Draco. "How are you supposed to feel after having a baby?" He replied.

A nurse came in and I turned my head to look at her. "I need to shower." She bent down, "you can't stand on your own, I can't let you shower." I turned to Draco, "he'll help me. Please." The nurse sighed, "alright. Be careful with your wound."

I looked at all of my friends who still sat around us. "We'll watch them Clara," Hermione smiled. I took a deep breath letting Draco help me stand. I put all my weight on him and he was basically carrying me at this point.

He helped me sit on the stool that sat in the center of the bathroom and I lifted my hair as he undid the gown that was tied around my back. Slowly he pulled it off until I was completely naked he offered me his hand and I took it using the sink to help me stand up.

I stared at myself in the mirror, my boobs were now existent in fact they were quite large. My stomach was looser than before but what really caught my eye was how thin my face had gotten. My eyes were dark, with circles all around them.

"You are still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen Clara," Draco whispered from behind me. I turned to him letting tears line my cheeks. "I lost them all," I softly cried. "I don't know if I can do this."

Draco turned the water on pulling his own shirt off. "Of course you can. You always find a way." I placed my cheek against his bare chest holding on desperately to his arms.

He helped me step into the shower and I let out a small laugh. The two of us were completely naked in a shower and yet we couldn't do anything if we wanted to. "This must be love," Draco smiled as if he knew what I was thinking.

They call me a criminalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें