Chapter 1

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I lifted my feet off of the cold cement floor staring out my window. My second year at Hogwarts had just finished, I sighed in defeat raising my knees to my chin. Downstairs I heard my parents arguing this wasn't anything new, in fact it was quite common here. My summers were all lonely, all I had was my twin sister Pansy Parkinson. We weren't exactly friendly, we'd always been opposites.

I noticed an owl flying towards my window I raised my finger up allowing it to land safety. I pulled the letter out of its mouth smiling, "thank you," I whispered.

Dear Clara,
I know it's only our first day of summer but I'm already miserable. I'm assuming you're feeling the same right now. It's too bad we couldn't find someplace to stay together. I miss you. Write back when you can.

I smiled folding the letter and sliding it down underneath my pillow. It had been an eventful year, and I for one was just glad it was over. Happy to take a small break even if it meant staying alone in my room for most of it.

Once the yelling had calmed down a bit I hesitantly made my way down the stairs. It's not that I was scared to go it's that my families disliking was quite obvious towards me. My father absolutely despised me, getting sorted into Gryffindor is the sole reason, and my sisters embarrassed to admit we're related. My mother on the other hand, she was kinder towards me, more understanding as she had once been in Gryffindor herself. It was no secret my parents were followers of Voldemort my father had the mark, and the hatred to prove it, and mum had the vulnerability to follow my dads every move.

I sighed as the screams were starting back up again. Mum was hollering names at dad, it almost seemed like she was begging him for something. I slowly pushed open the kitchen door shocked to see several people standing in our kitchen. They were all wearing black robes and my father had my mothers arms pinned behind her back. One death eater stepped forward holding his wand up at my mother, and as quick as a pen would drop he whispered, "avada kedvra." I watched my mums lifeless body crumble to the ground and I screamed in horror. It felt like my heart had stopped beating, and my stomach dropped down out of my body. I hadn't acknowledged the fact that Pansy was now hidden in the hallway covering her mouth in shock.

"IN HERE NOW." My father shouted at me. I looked over for Pansy for some kind of reassurance she slid down the wall gasping for breath and I hesitantly walked into the kitchen. "Call them here now." He ordered the man who had just murdered my mother. Only him and one other death eater remained. "What did you do?" I whispered kneeling down to my mothers lifeless body. I placed my hand on her cheek wiping away her stray tears.

I turned back around and my father pushed me onto my knees using a spell to tie together my hands. "What the hell are you doing?" I spat. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MUM. WHY DID HE KILL HER?"

I stopped yelling the moment his boot connected with my stomach, "enough stupid child." The two cloaked death eaters slowly removed their robes revealing normal clothes underneath. My mouth dropped when I saw Severus Snape standing beside the man who had just killed my mother. "What are you going to do to me? Kill me as well?" I asked my father. He scoffed, "you're not worth the trouble."

The three of them a stood together whispering in lowered voices and I remained tied up beside my mothers body. The one raised his clock taking off and I tried to focus on my breathing, anything to forget what had just happened.

Minutes later several ministry workers had appeared into our home. "It took us awile sir but we finally got her tied up." My father explained. "I don't know what has gotten into her. She simply over reacted to a comment her mother had made." He wiped a tear for dramatic effect. "That isn't true." I protested. Snape handed one worker my wand. I noticed her bright purple hair, and her blue eyes as she stared down at me. "This was the wand used, and this is indeed Clara Parkinson's wand."

The minister shook his head looking at Snape for reassurance, "this girl, she did it?" Snape made direct eye contact with me, and broke it just as quickly. "Yes." Two other workers grabbed my arms, ripping me off of my kitchen floor. "Then there's no further discussion. Azkaban, for the murder of Patricia Andrea Parkinson."

My eyes widened and I desperately looked around for someone to help me. "I didn't do this. She's my mother." I cried. "I WOULD NEVER. Professor Snape tell them the truth please." I was begging them all, I couldn't go to Azkaban I was barely thirteen. No one went in there and came out the same. No one.

They call me a criminalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें