Chapter 38

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A few days went by and I accompanied Fred and George to attempt to put their names in the goblet. Fred insisted that his age charm would work, I simply attended to see it all backfire.

I was amazed when I watched the two of them get through the ring, but soon bit my lip to keep from laughing as the two of them got shot back out with beards. I smiled, as Cedric stepped up to the cup. "Looking for eternal glory?" I asked. He nodded, "of course, I'll pass some onto you." I laughed, "do you want your lucky pin back?" He shook his head, "no that's your lucky pin now."

As night fell I sat down with Fred, and everyone else to hear who had been picked for the goblet. I rested my head on Fred's shoulder, "are you upset it's not going to be you?" He shrugged, "I doubt I would've won anyway, besides with you I've already got eternal glory."

Dumbledore walked up to the goblet, "it's now time to find our three champions." He raised his hand, "our Durmstrang champion, is Victor Krum." I watched the famous quidditch player make his way to the front. "I feel bad for anyone competing against him," I whispered to Fred and Harry. "Fleur." A pretty girl stood up skipping her way to the front. "Our Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory." I stood up cheering with everyone else. Just as we were about to head back to our rooms the goblet spit out another name. "Harry Potter." I leaned forward looking at him. "Harry what did you do?"

Before he could answer me Dumbledore yelled again, "HARRY POTTER." I watched as Harry made his way to the front and I squeezed Fred's hand. Harry wasn't old enough to compete, he didn't stand a chance against Krum, or even Cedric for that matter. We were all dismissed and I followed Fred to the common room falling asleep on his lap.

Days went by, and Harry was getting prepared for the first task. I had finished my classes and was sitting by the fire writing out my homework questions. "I want to show you something," Fred said walking up to me. I followed him outside of the castle towards the forbidden forest. "Do you think Harry and Cedric are going to be alright?" I asked Fred. He gave me a small smile, "I think they're very smart and strong. They have a good chance."

Once we had gotten deeper into the forest Fred led us towards a gate and my eyes lit up when I saw dragons. "Is this their first task?" Fred nodded, and I saw a man who looked very similar to the other Weasleys. "You must be Clara," he said holding out his hand. I shook it smiling. "I'm Charlie, the best looking Weasley." I laughed, and Fred nudged me, "that's not true." I kissed his cheek, "no no of course not."

Charlie showed us each dragon and I took them all in, there was only one that looked deadly and I prayed it was Krum who got that one.

Several more days went by and it was the day of the first task. I had spent the majority of my night up with Harry. We talked about different spells and ways to fight a dragon. He said he felt prepared but I know that was a lie, because even I was terrified and it wasn't me fighting a dragon.

I watched Cedric take his dragon on almost effortlessly, I took a deep breath relieved that was over. But as I saw Harry walking out to his even more panic arose. "Jesus Fred they can't expect Harry to win this." Fred wrapped his arm around me holding me close to him, "close your eyes." I followed Harry for the longest time until he flew behind the castle with that dragon completely on his tail. Everyone had went silent and I pushed my head into Fred's shoulder. I only looked up when I heard Hermione's celebratory screams.

I stood up grabbing Fred's hand, pulling him down the stands with me. I rushed over to Harry immediately hugging him. "What the bloody hell was that you idiot." I pounded his shoulder upset. "And you Cedric Diggory, well you did alright, but screw you both for still making me watch that. I swear I almost had a heart attack." Fred laughed, "I ought to kill you for Clara almost breaking every bone in my hand." I nudged him, "such a good boyfriend."

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