Chapter 77

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I smiled out the train window as I saw Remus waiting for me at the station. I hurried past everyone else and immediately found my spot in his arms. "Hello Clara." I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and enjoyed the feeling of this embrace. "I love you," I whispered softly. He chuckled, "I love you more." He continued to hold onto me for a few more minutes then had to pry my arms off of him. "Let's go home shall we?"

When I opened the front door I was surprised to see Tonks sitting at the dining room table. "Clara, how are you?" I smiled, "I'm good, how are you?" She hurried over giving me a small hug, "I'm well. Why don't you hurry and get changed we're going to the Weasleys for dinner."

I threw my bag onto my bed then picked out an outfit meeting then back in the kitchen. "You ready dear?" I nodded taking their hands and preparing to be apparated.

Instead of being met by the usual smiling Weasleys we were met by Arthur who appeared more serious than normal. "Remus, Tonks, Clara. Harry has something he needs to tell us." I took a deep breath trying not to imagine the worst. I didn't even get a chance to say hello to everyone before being ushered into a separate room.

Harry was sitting in a chair and didn't even bother to meet my eyes as I stared him down. Remus sat me down beside him and I enjoyed the feeling of protection I got so rarely at school.

"It's about Draco Malfoy, and Snape." Harry began. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat at the mention of Draco's name. "They're working together on something dark. Something that required the unbreakable vow. Snape is protecting Draco. A girl was cursed at Hogsmeade and the last person who went to the washrooms before Kaite was Draco. He was the only one who could've cursed her.... I think they're both death eaters."

Remus leaned forward, "so you're saying Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission, and Snape is protecting him?" Harry nodded, "I know it sounds mad." I scoffed, "how do you even know this? Snape could be pretending to offer Draco help, you could be hearing this completely out of context."

Harry shook his head at me, "Clara, that's not what it sounded like. Had you bothered to hang out with us anymore you'd know why we're almost positive they're death eaters." I started to talk but Tonks stoped me, "perhaps Harry's right. To make an unbreakable vow, that's serious." Remus stopped her, "it comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment, he trusts Snape therefore I do." Harry shrugged, "Dumbledore can make mistakes too, he said so himself." Remus scoffed, "you're blinded by hatred." Harry shook his head, "no i'm not." I couldn't take it anymore, "YES YOU ARE." He stood up glaring at me, "and you aren't. HAD YOU STOPPED SLEEPING WITH DRACO FOR ONE DAY MAYBE YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN WHAT I DID." I met his eyes, "fuck you Harry." I felt everyone's silence loom around us, Harry yelled it loud enough for anyone even outside to hear. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes so I stood up ignoring Remus' protest and flung myself down on the couch far from the room I was just in.

"You went from me to Draco. Bit of a downgrade if I say so myself." I looked up to see Fred standing over me smiling. "I'm sorry," I whispered. He laughed wrapping his arms around me tightly, "oh how I've missed you." I set my head against his shoulder trying to process everything Harry had said but that wasn't working the world was still spinning around me.

I stayed with Fred on the couch until I saw Molly hurrying towards me with her arms open, "Clara dear, it's been too long." I hugged her back, "it has." She gave me a warm smile, "dinners ready, come on you two."

I kept my head down finding my seat beside Remus. I remember how hard he'd flinched when Harry shouted that I was sleeping with Draco Malfoy. "Beans?" Remus asked. I was too zoned out to realize that the first time. "Clara," Remus nudged me. "Yes," I whispered snapping back to reality. "Do you want beans?" I shook my head, "no thanks."

I suffered through dinner being sure to avoid all eye contact with Harry. Ginny handed me a piece of pie for desert and I smiled in thanks. Once I had finished I set my plate in the sink, and followed Fred and George upstairs to play wizards chess. The door was pushed open only a few minutes later by Harry, Ron and Hermione.

We all sat down around the board I shuffled closer to Fred and farther from Harry. "I'm really sorry Clara." Harry sighed. Everyone looked from him to me and I simply just shook my head. "Remus who is basically a father to me, did not need to know who I am and who I am not sleeping with. Draco is not a death eater I can promise you that Harry. So if you have anything else to say on the subject find someone else to talk to." I stood up when I heard my name being called from downstairs. "I'm guessing that's my que to leave. Good night." I gave Fred and George a hug before meeting Tonks and Remus at the door.

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