Chapter 71

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The next morning Remus informed me that Madeye and Tonks were coming over to see the memory. I waited for them at the dining room table nervously playing with my hands. I heard a knock at the door and jumped back slightly. "It's alright Clara." Remus opened it for them and I observed as he placed a small kiss on Tonk's lips. "Good morning Clara," Madeye greeted me. I nodded in acknowledgement. "I'm sorry about what happened to you," Tonks whispered sitting down beside me. "I don't really want to talk about it. I'll just show you."

Remus sighed, "there's one more person coming." I looked at him, "who?" The door opened and I bit my lip as Snape walked in. "Just take it," I whispered. Madeye pressed his wand against my head, and I sat back breathing shakily.

I had just landed at the ministry and I saw Lucious grab my neck and I screamed. I saw Bellatrix come out from behind me laughing crazily. I then looked away as the knives started digging into my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard myself screaming out. The pain was so visible in my voice I truly didn't want to hear it anymore. When I forced myself to look back up I saw my body laying in Harry's lap and he was violently shaking me I could see in that moment Harry thought I was dead. Voldemort stood overtop of us and his laugh terrified me, his words still felt like ice as they crept into my ears.

"Clara get out," Remus whispered. I didn't fight this time I hurried out of the room not wanting to see this. A knock on my door made me get up from my bed and I was surprised to see Snape there. "Dumbledore asked me to give these to you. He wants you to watch them." I took the memories from Snape setting them down on my bed. "Be very careful who you trust this year Clara." I slowly nodded, "I will." He looked away for a moment, "I'm sorry you lost Sirius." I bit my lip, "thanks."

As soon as he had left I began watching the memories. The first one showed me a boy who appeared to be talking with his professor. He asked him about Horcruxes and their purpose. The professor began yelling at the boy and then the memory was cut off.

"Remus," I called. He came to my doorway and I stood up, "I need to get to the nearest library." He narrowed his eyes, "why?" I shrugged, "I think maybe if I can study enough different books I can find away to survive on my own. Just want to be resourceful." He bit his lip, "alright, I'll drop you off."

When I had gotten into the library I began my research on horcruxes. And it was much harder than anticipated. It eventually turned into weeks of me sitting here sneaking into restricted sections and peeling pages out of books.

Even then there wasn't enough information, it's like it had all been ripped out of the books. It was almost time for me to go back to Hogwarts and I decided I didn't have much of a choice but to ask Remus.

We were sitting down eating dinner when I dropped my fork. "I'm really scared. I know disappearing is my safest bet, but what if I can't wait till the end of the year?" He sighed pushing his plate away, "Dumbledore and Snape are both there, and they're gonna make sure you are alright." I met his eyes, "I want you to promise me you're going to be fine, nothings going to happen when I'm gone." He sighed, "I can't promise that." I looked away, "you need to trust that I'm going to be fine." He gave me a small smile, "I do trust you." I took a deep breath, "I need you to tell me about Horcruxes." He slowly shook his head, "how do you even know about those?" I held the memories out in my hand, "Dumbledore wanted me to watch these. All summer I've been trying to figure out why they were." Remus nodded, "they're used to gain immortality. It's really dark magic." I thought about this, "how does someone get immortality with it?" He sighed, "they split their soul into different pieces."

I thought for a moment, how did this Tom connect with Horcruxes? "This year is going to be awful." Remus nodded, "what you're doing is extremely brave." I bit my lip, "I'm scared about what Dumbledore is going to ask me do, and I'm scared about leaving." He gave me a small smile, "you'd be crazy not to be scared." I sighed, "wherever I end up I know it's going to have something to do with what Dumbledore's asking." Remus grabbed our plates, "you're probably right." I stood up putting my arms around Remus, "I love you so much." He placed his hand on the back of my head, "me too dear." I closed my eyes, "can you write me every day. Even after I'm gone?" He laughed, "you can count on it."

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