Chapter 9

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Luckily it was the weekend, I had Hermione Ron and Harry come down to the library with me. I showed Hermione the list of work I needed to catch up on, and she got all the required books. "Who did you go talk to last night?" Ron asked. "Dumbledore, I wanted the students to know the truth. I have enough reminders of everything as it is. I don't need people running around saying I'm a killer."

Harry nodded, "did you really watch them kill your mother?" I decided I'd eventually have to tell them the truth. "Yes, my father gave the death eater my wand. Fudge didn't even bother trying to determine whether or not I killed her. I was sent straight to Azkaban." Hermione gave me a small smile, "I'm sorry Clara, truly." I shrugged, "and Ron for your question last night, no I don't know how Sirius escaped." Harry closed his book, "did you tell him anything about me?" I shook my head, "just mentioned we were friends, Harry, everyone in Azkaban was mad, they were insane. But he wasn't." Ron looked up, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"They say only the guilty go mad. When I found I was being put in a cell with him, I was panicking, screaming and begging them for anywhere else." Hermione placed her hand on my hand which I pulled away from, "don't feel bad for me. Being put with Sirius wasn't bad at all. We didn't talk much at first, but then I realized he wasn't going to hurt me, and we got along better." Harry nodded, "but Azkaban itself?" I shuddered, "a horrid place. One prisoner Bellatrix Lestrange took a strong disliking towards me." I showed them my arm which now looked badly infected. "I think you should get that checked out." Ron whispered.

I smiled, "she did that, and she did this to my face." Hermione looked at the cut better, "couldn't the guards keep you away from her?" I scoffed, "the guards could care less about anyone in that place."

Ron nodded, "do you think Sirius is after Harry?" I shrugged, "why would he be?" They all leaned in, "Sirius knew my parents." I sat back trying to determine if Sirius would go after Harry. "Listen I think I'm just going to do this work alone. I can't focus."

Hermione stopped me, "Clara nothings changed you don't have to feel uncomfortable talking to us about anything." I shook my head, "maybe for you three nothings changed."

I made my way outside for some fresh air to try and calm down. I was angry at myself for pushing them away but I was also not interested in talking about my summer anymore.

Outside I sat by the lake, I remembered professor Lupin mentioned that his friends used to hang out here lots. I pulled out my potions textbook wanting nothing more than to throw this book in flames. Just as I would do to Snape himself.

"Already behind?" I looked up to see Cedric standing behind me with a girl. "It appears so." The two of them looked out at the lake. "Well you picked a good spot to study." The girl smiled. "I'm cho." I nodded, "Clara." I closed the book looking up at the two of them, "what are you up to?" They looked around, "it's a beautiful day, Clara. Have to spend it out here." I laughed, "I suppose that's true. Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" They nodded, "got to go to the candy shop, what about you?" I shook my head, "not allowed. No parental consent." Cedric smiled when I said this and it made me start to laugh a little.

"That's probably not something I was supposed to laugh at." Cedric admitted. "No I shouldn't have either." Cho smiled, "I'm sorry." I shrugged, "I'm alright, don't be sorry."

They continued walking and I rested my chin on my knees staring out at the waters. "Where are your friends?" I immediately recognized professor lupins voice. "Studying. I just wanted some air." He nodded, "this is a nice spot." I agreed looking back at the still lake. "Is that the work from my class?" I nodded. "Don't worry about it. Enjoy the weather. Why don't you come to my office tomorrow, while everyone's at Hogsmeade." I gave him a small smile, "thank you." He simply nodded, "are you sure there's nothing you'd like to talk about with someone." I grabbed all my books standing up, "I'm fine sir thank  you."

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