Chapter 10

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The next morning when I woke up half the castle had already gone to Hogsmeade. I got out of bed and threw on some old clothes. It was past breakfast, and I wasn't sure if lunch would be ready yet. I saw Harry sitting down on the couch and went to join him. "Morning." He smiled, "you slept in." I nodded, "I guess I was tired." He closed his book standing up. "I think we should go outside." I shook my head, "I can't Harry I have to see Lupin." He grabbed his bag, "I'll join."

Together we made our way to his office when Harry knocked Lupin answered the door immediately. "Ah Harry how've you been." I let the two of them talk, and took a seat at the desk. I pulled out my herbology textbook beginning answering the chapter questions. "I thought we were working on defence against the dark arts today?" Lupin asked. I shook my head, "I finished it last night. You don't give a lot of textbook work." He smiled, "I don't think that's the best way to learn."

Him and Harry were working on some sort of spell. I whipped around when I heard something collapse. When I saw Harry on the ground, he looked similar to how my mother did that night. I stood paralyzed, "what did you do to him?" I panicked, "where's my wand?" I started patting myself down to make sure my wand was still in my pocket. "Harry?" I rushed over to him, relieved when I saw him take a breath. "I... I don't know why I thought.."

Professor Lupin looked at me, "take a breath Clara. He's alright. Harry simply just fainted." Harry began to sit up and I helped him. "Take it slow," Lupin instructed. He handed Harry a piece of chocolate, "eat it you'll feel better." I stood up walking back to the desk I pinched my skin trying to slow my breathing. "Why don't you have a piece too?" He handed me a small piece of chocolate. "Thank you," I whispered picking up my books. "I'm going to let you two keep practicing. I think I'm going to lay down?" Harry tilted his head confused, "you slept in till lunch today Clara?" I gave him a small smile, "I've got a headache."

I did exactly as I said falling asleep the moment I lay down. I heard all the excited voices trailing in they were back from Hogsmeade. "Clara are you coming for dinner?" I sat up to look at Hermione, "I don't think so I'm quite tired." She gave me a small smile, "I'll try and sneak you up something." I laughed, "don't break any rules for me you rebel."

Once she was gone again I lay my head back on my pillow. I was back asleep until I heard voices walking up to the dorms. I recognized McGonagall and Snape and immediately pretended to be back asleep.

"Clara?" McGonagall placed a hand on my shoulder. "Come with me please." I slowly sat up confused. We walked down to the common room and it was completely empty, except for Dumbledore. "Where were you Clara?" I shrugged, "I was asleep. What's going on?" Snape scoffed, "as if you don't know." Dumbledore raised his hand, "enough Severus."

"Why don't we go talk in my office with a few other professors?" I agreed defeated. When we walked out I saw the whole Gryffindor house standing out in the hallway. They started whispering when I walked out with Dumbledore , I kept my head down confused and embarrassed. When I saw Harry I met his eyes and he just stared back at me.

Dumbledore held open the door for me and I saw Professor Lupin, and Flitwick already sitting there. The other four of us took our seats, me directly in front of dumbledore. "It seems Sirius Black attacked the fat lady. In attempt to get into Gryffindor."

I bit my lip immediately knowing why they brought me up here, "I had nothing to do with that sir." He gave me a small smile, "of course. I'm just wondering if while you spent time together you talked about Hogwarts a lot. Possibly allowing him to get a better idea on how to get in."

I shook my head, "sir I didn't tell him anything, I didn't know he was going to escape, and I certainly didn't know he'd try to get into Gryffindor."

Snape scoffed, "it seems odd you were the only one in the Gryffindor house." I glared at him, "does it seem odd? You found me asleep, not hanging out with Sirius."

Lupin stood up, "I can attest for her, Harry and Clara came to my office to finish some work, and she did indeed leave to lay down she was looking quite ill."

Snape now directed his glare to Lupin, "funny you would be the one covering for her."

Dumbledore slammed his hand on his desk, "enough. Clara you have no idea how he may have gotten in?" I shook my head. "Very well, someone take her down with the other students."

I stared at him, "you believe me don't you?" He gave me a small smile, "goodnight Clara." I sighed, "you told me you'd tell everyone the truth. Everyone thinks I'm a murderer, and now you think I'm working with Sirius Black." Dumbledore nodded, "I understand." I shook my head, "no sir I don't think you do? How much time have you spent in Azkaban?" Snape shook his head, "you should lose points for your cheek." I stood up, "what gives you the right to talk to me? You were one of them, you had me put in Azkaban, you pathetic..." Lupin put his hand on my shoulder, "I'll take you down to your friends."

They call me a criminalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें