Chapter 34

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I opened the door to see Remus wasn't back yet. I decided to make us soup and grilled cheese so that he'd have something to eat, I then boiled water to make a tea.

Half an hour later I heard the door open and Remus was walking in, he looked extremely pale, and it looked as if he was in a lot of pain. He gave me the best smile he could, "hello Clara." I smiled back taking his coat for him, "are you alright?" I asked. He nodded sitting down in his chair, "I'll be fine don't worry about me."

I brought out a plate for him, and his cup of tea, "Sirius told me you're always hungry after, and tea helps." Remus nodded, "he's right. Thank you Clara I do appreciate it." I brought my food out here as well sitting beside him. "How was Fred?" I smiled, "we had fun, he's excited for the World Cup."

Remus finished up and then said he was going to lay down for a bit. I spent the rest of my day reading, and as I was about to go to bed I decided to go see Remus one last time.

Slowly I pushed his door open, and he sat up when we saw me. "Everything alright Clara?" I nodded, "just making sure you don't need anything." He smiled, "I'm just fine, thank you very much though. Goodnight dear." I was about to walk out but I hesitated. "Clara?" He whispered. I sighed sitting down at the edge of the bed, "what's going to happen to me after this summer? I'm obviously not expecting you to take care of me forever, you didn't sign up for this. But I can't help but wonder, like for holidays and next summer." He groaned as he sat up, "Clara. I'm sorry if I've made you feel this way. I want you to hold those expectations to me. I am going to care for you, and this right here is your home. That room across the hall is your bedroom. The kitchen is yours just as much as it is mine. You don't have to worry about these things anymore. When you need me I'm there sweetheart." I bit my lip, "that really really means a lot to me." I whispered. He held out his arms, and I held on tightly. "Thank you." He smiled pulling away, "I owe you the thank you. This has been one of my best summers yet. Now go get some sleep. I do care for you, and love you. Goodnight dear." I nodded, "love you too. Night."

The next few days went by very quickly, Remus and I typically did the same thing everyday, we ate every meal together, I now cooked and cleaned with him, and we'd go for a walk, then read a book or play some sort of game. Tomorrow was the day I was going to Weasleys, Remus and I were in my room packing everything. "It's going to be quiet around here." I smiled, "I'm sure that's a good thing." He handed me my trunk, "no not at all." I sighed, "well you'll see me soon. For holidays?" Remus nodded, "already looking forward to it."

We made one last dinner together, and after that I went to bed early wanting to have a good sleep for tomorrow considering how early I was to be up.

I felt myself being shaken awake the next morning I checked the clock seeing how early it was. I groaned wanting to just fall back asleep. "Come on Clara." I sighed getting out of bed. I showered and when I got out Remus handed me a green sweater. "This is for you, for the game." I took it holding it up, "thank you, it's so nice."

I changed quickly putting on a pair of jeans, and his sweater. I then put all my bags in the kitchen. Sitting down at the table. Remus put a piece of toast in front of me, sitting down himself. "You should hurry, don't want to be late." I nodded finishing up quickly.

When I had everything ready Remus took us to Weasleys giving me a smile, "have a lot of fun, keep your head up Clara." I hugged him holding on tightly, "I really want you to know how much you did for me thank you for everything. I'm going to miss you." He held me close, "I'll miss you just as much, write to me would you?" I nodded, "of course. Goodbye, love you." He waved, and I watched as he apparated away.

I walked into the Weasleys taken back when Harry and Hermione both rushed towards me hugging me. "Hey guys," I smiled stepping back.

I saw Fred coming towards me immediately hugging me and giving me a quick kiss. "Only you would look this good this early."

I laughed gathering with everyone else at the door, I threw on my jacket adjusting the fire pin Cedric gave me. Fred grabbed my hand and we followed the rest of his family to a portkey. Harry walked beside me, and we talked about our summers. When we finally got there I could see Cedric standing beside his father. I gave Cedric a hug, "how are you?" He smiled, "I couldn't be better, this is my father, dad, this is Clara." I shook his hand smiling. "I've heard lots about you, Cedric finds you to be a good friend." I nodded, "Cedric's a great friend too." The man looked proudly at his son, "I'm Amos." I smiled again, "it's nice to meet you Amos."

Everyone grabbed hold of a boot, which appeared to be our portkey. Arthur counted down and on 1 I put one hand on the boot and the other I used to hold tightly onto Fred.

I felt myself falling and I landed directly on top of Fred. Cedric offered his hand which I took and then pulled Fred up.

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