Chapter 76

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I was abruptly woken up by Hermione early the next morning. "You said you wanted to come to Hogsmeade with us today right?" I tiredly forced myself up, "Yes, how much time do I have?" She checked her watch, "twenty minutes."

I quickly changed into jeans and one of Sirius' sweaters racing down to meet everyone outside. "Jesus Clara way to wait for the last minute." Harry said pulling me along with everyone else. I stopped walking for a moment when I saw Draco with his friends near us. He looked scared, like he was almost about to cry. Pansy noticed me looking over and waved. I smiled returning the gesture then focusing back on Draco. His eyes met mine and for a moment I forgot our relationship was a secret, I wanted to run over and hug him more than anything. I wanted to be going to Hogsmeade with him. "Clara," Harry whispered pulling my attention towards him. "What was that?" He asked curiously. I shrugged, "just waving at Pansy." Harry didn't seem fully convinced by this answer but turned away nonetheless.

We opened the door to the three broomsticks and I flung myself into the booth exhausted from the simple walk over here. "I'll have a butter beer," I announced when the waitress came up to us. As she placed our drinks down I noticed Draco taking deep breaths holding his head in his hands. "I'm going to use the restroom quick."
I slipped by Draco's table making a small gesture with my head so he knew to follow me.

"Are you alright?" I asked grabbing his hands. He took a deep breath, "trouble at home. That's all." I gave him a small smile stepping forward, and holding his face in my hands. "Believe me I know what that's like, I'm sorry Draco." He shrugged my hands off, "you should get back to them, they're going to wonder where you went." I bit my lip knowing he was right, "I'm sorry." He stepped forward planting a kiss on my cheek, "be sure to pick out a nice gift for me." I laughed as I snuck back to our table sighing when I saw Slughorn standing there.

I waved my hand catching Hermiones attention then pointing at the door so she knew I was leaving. I quickly hurried off to the shops and began picking out christmas gifts for Remus and Draco.

I checked the time realizing I needed to get back right away the curfew was almost up. "Clara," Snape greeted me at the gate. "You're late." I sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize how late it had gotten." He looked around before grabbing my wrist pulling me away from anyones line of sight.

"You cannot be wandering alone out there, my god Clara I thought even you would be smart enough to know that." I pulled my arm back, "I'm sorry Professor." He just stared down at me, "Kaite Bell was hexed today. She's lucky to be alive. You worried us all. Get inside and do well to stay there." I opened my mouth to apologize once more but he pointed towards the door, "Now Clara."

The first person I found wandering the halls was Draco. "Where have you been?" He asked casually. "I was late getting back. Snape already gave me shit so save your lecture." He shrugged, "I don't have it in me to give you a lecture. But I am going to teach you a lesson." He winked as he stepped forward grabbing my arm and leading me to the nearest closet. "Get in. Now."

I listened obediently and gasped as he pushed me up against the wall. "It's about time you learned rules don't bend for you Clara." I bit my lip as I felt his hands trail down from my chest to my jeans button. "Stay still or you're not going to like what I do next." I did my best to remain in place even as he pulled my panties down. I felt his breath before I felt his tongue but my knees gave in immediately. I fell to the ground and immediately regretted it because of the look he gave me. "Don't stop," I begged him. I felt a sharp sting as his hand clapped against my ass. "Keep your legs open or it's going to hurt a lot more the next time." I let out a loud moan as he pressed his lips against me once again and used my hands to force my knees apart.

When I had finished Draco slowly climbed back
up my body hovering his lips directly above mine. "Don't let that happen again." I used my hands to push his shoulders away from mine and roll on top of him. "Yes sir." I watched as his lips turned into a small smirk, "Good girl."

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