Chapter 11

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I angrily followed Lupin out of the office, I could see how it may have looked like I helped him, but I didn't. I don't think I would. "Are you alright?" I ignored him, seeing as that was the most ridiculous question he could have asked me.

When we got to the dining hall I saw mattresses layed out everywhere. I saw Harry and everyone else in the corner. Lupin walked with me to them, and we both ignored all the whispers as I walked by. I heard people saying I let Black in. It was incredible how fast rumours spread.

I sat down beside Fred on a mattress not speaking to any of them. "Have a good night." Professor Lupin smiled at me before walking away. "What happened?" Hermione asked me. "They think I helped Sirius in." Ron leaned forward, "are they bloody crazy?" I shrugged, "I'm just going to bed."

I lay down facing Fred, "I believe you." I smiled, "that doesn't make many of us." He nodded, "gotta count for something."

The next morning we were all allowed to go back to our common rooms. I followed Harry there, he hadn't spoken to me yesterday. Our first class was potions. Harry Ron Hermione and I all stood at one table.

"Turn to page 237, begin making that potion." I flipped my textbook pages finding the potion. It was a truth potion, he gave me an evil smirk when he saw me staring at it. I turned my head and saw Pansy working with Draco at another table. She gave me a small smile, which I returned and then began working on my potion.

"Clara." Snape spat. I turned to face him, "where is the work you were to catch up on for this class?" I handed him a piece of paper, he quickly skimmed over it before setting fire to it. "Pathetic. 10 points from Gryffindor."

I bit my lip turning to face my potion again, "ignore him," Hermione whispered. I nodded and continued working for the rest of class. I was starting to feel extremely frustrated, with class, Snape, Sirius, my friends, this whole damn castle, just everything.

When class had only ten minutes left I looked up to see professor Lupin and Snape whispering to each other. "Times up." Snape scowled. He then began walking around to everyone's cauldron. He stopped directly in front of mine. "What a lazy pathetic excuse for a potion. Next time put some effort in. Another ten points from Gryffindor." I glared at him. "That makes twenty in one class, any more and your friends may begin to despise you."

He walked away and I looked down trying to keep myself from saying something. "What a git." Harry whispered. I nodded agreeing. I thought about skipping the rest of my classes today but Ron informed me that defence against the dark arts was usually a fun class.

The four of us made our way to Lupins classroom, and he greeted us with a big smile, which I couldn't return. The whole walk here the halls were filled with whispers about my plans with Sirius.

Once class had started Lupin informed us we wouldn't need textbooks today. He pulled an old sheet on a cabinet, and informed us that inside was a boggart. "Get in a line everyone." I stood in front of Harry in line repeating the words ridiculous over and over in my head.

"Clara, you're up." I took a deep breath I watched everyone else's silly little fears before me, and I had no idea what to expect."

I stood in front of the boggart staring at it, it suddenly transformed into a memory of some sort.

There I stood in my hallway I watched my mother collapse in the kitchen. My screams filled my head and I ran over to her trying to get her to sit up. When I looked up again there stood fudge. "AZKABAN."

Guards were marching me through the halls of Azkaban. All the death eaters were trying to grab me, and I eventually stood in front of Sirius blacks cell. I saw myself begin to panick, begging for another cell.

This time I opened my eyes, and Sirius stood over top of me. I screamed loudly and watched myself grab the rock.

"This isn't real." I whispered. I held up my wand keeping my eyes closed so I didn't have to watch Bellatrix attacking me. "RIDICULOUS."

I stepped back and saw my father there in a ballerina suit twirling around. I took a shaky breath walking to the back of the line. I saw the stares follow me, they had just seen Azkaban, Sirius Black, and too much of my life.

Harry went next and I couldn't focus on what he had I was trying to forget everything I just saw. "Clara?" Hermione whispered. "Class is over, let's get you out of here."

I tried to steady myself, following them out of the classroom. We sat down in the common room and I was still shaking from what I'd seen. "Was that all real?" Ron asked. I nodded keeping my eyes glued to the floor. "I don't want to be here anymore," I whispered.

They call me a criminalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang