Chapter 96

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I let out small breaths as I watched the deatheaters line up across from everyone at Hogwarts. "Clara. I said stay inside," Draco whispered. I grabbed his hand squeezing it hard as Voldemort slowly made his way to the front. "Harry Potter is dead." The death eaters erupted in sick laughter and I watched as Ginny ran forward screaming. "Stupid girl," Voldemort laughed. "Harry Potter is dead. You now put your faith in me."

Not a single person said a word and I couldn't even bring myself to look at Harry who Hagrid was holding in his arms. "Clara Parkinson." Voldemort whispered. Hermione and Ron both grabbed my shoulders.

"Come forward dear." I let out a shaky breath stepping away from Draco. "I'm not going to kill you. Not yet." I refused to even look at him as he spoke to me. "You lied to me at the last meeting Clara. You said you were Pansy. And now look at you, the dark mark is carved deep into your arm." I slowly looked up staring at Harry's lifeless body. "Why not kill me? You killed everyone else." I whispered. "Because I'm going to make you have that baby, and then I'm going to make you watch as I raise it to be exactly like me. That or I'll make you watch it die." I slowly placed my hand on my stomach peeling my eyes away from Harry.

"For the rest of you, come join me. Or die." Voldemort laughed. Lucious held his arm up, "Draco. Oh Draco." I met his eyes watching his every move. His mother slowly shook her head, "Draco, come."

Draco slowly stepped forward until he stood directly beside me. "No." Voldemort could barely contain his laughter, "you're going to die for this girl?" Draco squeezed my hand, "I would do anything for this girl."

His parents slowly stepped back into the crowd and I gently set my head on Draco's chest, as Neville pulled himself in front of Voldemort. I tried to listen to what he was saying but a sharp pain was piercing through my stomach. As quick as it came it left.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's dead, he's still with us in our hearts. So is Remus, Fred, Tonks." He whispered turning to me. "They didn't die in vain. But you will Voldemort because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us. This isn't over, and we're not letting Clara, or her child anywhere near you."

I bent down grabbing my stomach in pain once again.

"What's wrong?" Draco whispered holding me up. "I'm fine," I answered looking directly at the elder wand. Without thinking I called it to me and Voldemort's face dropped. "You bitch," he spat watching me carefully.

I held up the wand and again without a second thought, gave it a quick flick watching as a good handful of death eaters collapsed in front of us. They were dead.

"You're not touching me or my baby you disgusting excuse for a living thing. Did you hear me Tom? Lily's love protected Harry, what's to say my love won't protect me and my baby?" He took a few steps back before grabbing Lucious' wand throwing a curse my way. "Because you hate yourself more than anyone here Clara. Love won't protect you, because anyone who was ever stupid enough to love you is now dead." I raised my wand meeting him halfway smiling as my curse was clearly more powerful than his.

From the corner of my eye I watched something drop, it was now running, "Harry," I screamed letting go of my curse. As I did that I felt another sharp pain hit my stomach and I had to catch my breath waiting for it to pass.

"HARRY," I screamed chasing wildly after him and Voldemort doing my best to avoid the fights happening all around me. Deatheaters began taking off clearly scared that Harry was indeed still alive.

I hurried after Harry stopping as I ran into him with Hermione and Ron. "I'll lure him into the castle. Me and Clara will kill him, you two need to kill the snake." I grabbed his hand as Voldemort began angrily walking toward us. Every protective charm we had put up was taken down only seconds later by him. "We'll split up Clara," he whispered pushing me away from him. I did as he said hiding behind a pillar doing my best to follow Harry and Voldemort from a distance.

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