Chapter 70

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I miserably threw all my belongings into my chest trying to not think about going home. "Good morning." I turned to see Dumbledore in the doorway. "If it was a good morning Sirius would be alive." He sighed, "well you got me there." I stopped packing, "I'm going to disappear. I can't be here anymore wondering when I'm going to die, or be tortured again. I just can't." He nodded, "I can't let you do that." I met his eyes, "why the hell not?" He sat down, "because I need your help next year. And you're the only one who can help me Clara." I bit my lip, "then I need your help." He gave me a small smile, "I will help you disappear, on a few conditions." I took a deep breath, "deal."

Fred met me in the common room, "ready?" I slowly nodded and he gave me a smile, "I'll grab your stuff." On the train I sat beside Fred and across from Harry, I stared out the window blinking back as many tears as I could before someone noticed. I felt Fred put his arm around me and I gave in pressing my head to his shoulder so my face was hidden. I stayed like this the entire ride until I felt his hand on my back. "We're here Clara." I waited until they had all left our compartment before I pulled away from Fred. I saw Remus standing far back in the corner away from everyone else. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to go out there knowing Sirius wouldn't be home when we arrived.

"We'll go out together, alright?" He whispered grabbing my hand. "I don't want to Fred." He pulled my chin up forcing me to look at him, "you can't give up now, not when we need you the most." I took a deep breath, "I don't know what everyone thinks I can do. Harry's the chosen one, I'm just the one Voldemort has chosen to kill. I don't stand a chance against him." Fred nodded, "he's gonna have to get through a hell of a lot of people before we let him kill you Clara." I accepted his hand following him down the steps over to Remus.

I saw the parents pushing their children out of the way to catch a glimpse of me. It was no secret I looked terrible, I could only imagine what these people thought of me. "Let's get out of here," Remus whispered taking me from Fred.

When he opened the front door I immediately went to my room. We weren't at Sirius' house anymore we were back at Remus', it's like Sirius was just forgotten. I slid down the wall hitting my hand against my head. The door was pushed open and Remus came and sat beside me on the floor. He didn't say anything he just sat there. I eventually gave in leaning against him, and he hugged me tightly.

"I can't stay here much longer," I whispered. He sighed, "I know that." I bit my lip, "Dumbledore said he's gonna help me." Remus closed his eyes, "I wish we could've done more." I shook my head, "you did more than enough for me." He took a deep breath, "I thought you were dead. I thought she had taken you and Sirius from me in the same damn night." I shook my head, "is it bad if I say I wish she did." He sighed, "no, because if I am being honest it scares me how much you've been through. Somehow you're still the most genuine and trustworthy person I know. I'm so proud to call you my family." I laughed, "you're probably the first person who's ever said that to
me." He pulled himself off the floor bending down to help me up. "Sirius wouldn't want us spending our days on the floor." I nodded, "you're right."

"I'll show my memories to the order, anything to help. I don't know if I'm gonna make it out of this alive, but I know I'm gonna fight like hell to make sure no one else gets hurt." He gave me a small smile, "I'll let them know." I sat down on my bed curling my knees to my chest, Remus gently kissed my forehead, "try to rest."

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